More or less spent the whole weekend with Cat. Spiralling into that place they call infatuation (or worse...). We went out for a beer on Friday, but opted to keep things pretty low-key. The same, however, cannot be said about Saturday. Picked her up at 11 and made our way to the mountains for my friend Steph's wedding (Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Lumberg!). I hate to sound sappy but the ceremony was pretty kick-ass(I always cry at weddings...or not) . It was very well done, and even involved a rogue horse breaking a man's arm (got some good pictures of that). Although seeing the way the bride looked at the groom did make me wish that I had someone who looked at me like that...maybe someone who's name starts with the letter "Catherine". On a related note, I found out that Cat cleans up REAL nice. Jesus she was hot in that dress (pictures forthcoming). I think I may have been gratuitously shoulder-checking on the highway on the way out, as it involved looking in the general direction of my passenger seat...a seat that just happened to contain a Catherine. If the wedding was nice the reception was fantastic. Hello "twoonie-bar" it's been a while. We drank far too much. I'm actually kinda sore today from dancing
(pictures also forthcoming).
HA! I just remembered...I was brushing assorted cat hair etc. off my suit on Friday night in preparation for the event's of the following day, when I noticed a strange bump in the jacket pocket. 'Lo and behold, the case to my long-lost "Metal Mayhem" cassette, that a certain Grant, one lovely Rexa and I listened to in the car on the way to my high school grad. As you can see, my suit sees a lot of action...
Feel kinda bad. My friend James is going to Afghanistan with the army tommorow, but he's kinda been a dick lately, and I really don't feel all that bad seeing him leaving (for instance, last night he sat next to Cat and I, and proceeded to tell her that when he returned, he'd invite her to some army dance, and find her a hot army guy for a date..."hey man, I'm sitting right here..." Jesus.)
Cat and I made friends with a homeless fellow in the parking lot. No one was talking to him, and he looked like he was having a rough go at things, so Catherine went over to hang out and see if she could do anything to help. Gave him a smoke, and offered him a meal, or anything else he needed, in the process earning herself a friend, and cementing my long-held belief that despite the tough exterior she puts on, she is, in fact, one of the most caring people I know. After that we went back in, and noted that the beer stocks at the bar were getting low. So we bought 4 each, effectively buying them out, and ensuring that no one else was going to get any beer. We finished all but 2 of them before our cab got there. She tried to sneak them into the cab in her purse, despite the fact that they were open. Cabbie to us: "Do you guys have open liquor?!" Matt (sheepishly): "yes..."
So we slammed them in the parking lot while he waited. Went up to motel village and grabbed a room with Chris and Jenn. We went down to liquor box (grin), and grabbed some more beer that we clearly did not need. Fortunately we passed out before we made any sort of a dent in our purchase. We did not, however, pass out before convincing ourselves that a swim in the hotel pool (closed at 10pm) was a good idea. We made it as far as our bathing suits, and never actually got outta the room. So we pretty much ended up cuddling/spooning in our bathing suits until we went out for eggs benni in the morning. She drove off to Drumheller to meet up with her family (they were camping out there) after, and I went home to watch the other love of my life put me through hell...taped the Stamps game from the night before. That was a bad scene. They've lost 3 in a row now. To make matters worse, they lost to Gord's favorite team, so not only did I have to cope with a vicious hangover today, but I also had to deal with his gloating. I also pulled the whole "I've seen her for 3 straight days, but now that she's not here, I allready miss her (badly)" thing. I need to make a move. But I really don't want to make a move that is in any way disrespectful to the friendship. She's had her share of guys who were her "friends", and behaved really inappropriately, completely betraying her trust. I don't want to add myself to that list. Maybe a kiss goodnight, or a talk about dating next time we're alone together? (suggestions ladies?)
Anyways, the length of this by now has probably made up for the absence of recent updates to this blog, so I'll sign off...after I remind everyone that Friday is the celebration of my 23 rd year of existence, and that attendence is compulsory, even if you don't get off work until 11:30pm.
Carry on my wayward son(s?)!
EDIT: Pics from the wedding are now up and about in my pics section

HA! I just remembered...I was brushing assorted cat hair etc. off my suit on Friday night in preparation for the event's of the following day, when I noticed a strange bump in the jacket pocket. 'Lo and behold, the case to my long-lost "Metal Mayhem" cassette, that a certain Grant, one lovely Rexa and I listened to in the car on the way to my high school grad. As you can see, my suit sees a lot of action...
Feel kinda bad. My friend James is going to Afghanistan with the army tommorow, but he's kinda been a dick lately, and I really don't feel all that bad seeing him leaving (for instance, last night he sat next to Cat and I, and proceeded to tell her that when he returned, he'd invite her to some army dance, and find her a hot army guy for a date..."hey man, I'm sitting right here..." Jesus.)
Cat and I made friends with a homeless fellow in the parking lot. No one was talking to him, and he looked like he was having a rough go at things, so Catherine went over to hang out and see if she could do anything to help. Gave him a smoke, and offered him a meal, or anything else he needed, in the process earning herself a friend, and cementing my long-held belief that despite the tough exterior she puts on, she is, in fact, one of the most caring people I know. After that we went back in, and noted that the beer stocks at the bar were getting low. So we bought 4 each, effectively buying them out, and ensuring that no one else was going to get any beer. We finished all but 2 of them before our cab got there. She tried to sneak them into the cab in her purse, despite the fact that they were open. Cabbie to us: "Do you guys have open liquor?!" Matt (sheepishly): "yes..."
So we slammed them in the parking lot while he waited. Went up to motel village and grabbed a room with Chris and Jenn. We went down to liquor box (grin), and grabbed some more beer that we clearly did not need. Fortunately we passed out before we made any sort of a dent in our purchase. We did not, however, pass out before convincing ourselves that a swim in the hotel pool (closed at 10pm) was a good idea. We made it as far as our bathing suits, and never actually got outta the room. So we pretty much ended up cuddling/spooning in our bathing suits until we went out for eggs benni in the morning. She drove off to Drumheller to meet up with her family (they were camping out there) after, and I went home to watch the other love of my life put me through hell...taped the Stamps game from the night before. That was a bad scene. They've lost 3 in a row now. To make matters worse, they lost to Gord's favorite team, so not only did I have to cope with a vicious hangover today, but I also had to deal with his gloating. I also pulled the whole "I've seen her for 3 straight days, but now that she's not here, I allready miss her (badly)" thing. I need to make a move. But I really don't want to make a move that is in any way disrespectful to the friendship. She's had her share of guys who were her "friends", and behaved really inappropriately, completely betraying her trust. I don't want to add myself to that list. Maybe a kiss goodnight, or a talk about dating next time we're alone together? (suggestions ladies?)
Anyways, the length of this by now has probably made up for the absence of recent updates to this blog, so I'll sign off...after I remind everyone that Friday is the celebration of my 23 rd year of existence, and that attendence is compulsory, even if you don't get off work until 11:30pm.
Carry on my wayward son(s?)!
EDIT: Pics from the wedding are now up and about in my pics section