I am currently sporting a wicked goggle-burn. Went skiing a Sunshine yesterday, and for once, it actually lived up to its name. Going into C. withdrawl. Haven't seen her since last Saturday. We were supposed to hang out last night, but by the time I got out from skiing she was with a bunch of her friends, and allthough I was invited I decided I'd rather hang out with my friends, than C. and a bunch of people I scarcely know. I did, however, begin to regret my choice towards the end of the evening. Whatever, I'll just have to come up with some excuse to see her some night this week. Left a reaction going in the lab over the weekend, that may determine whether or not I"ve wasted the first 8 monthes of my graduate schooling...(fingers crossed)
More Blogs
Monday Jul 24, 2006
Fuck was it hot yesterday. Went down to Kenzington for salsa-fest wi… -
Sunday Jul 23, 2006
So drunk... Hiccuping runs rampant. I'm cooking a Delicio pizza in … -
Monday Jul 17, 2006
Nothin' new. Still no trichlorobenzene...it may all be going to the … -
Monday Jul 10, 2006
Hung out with Cat for the 1st time since "the unpleasantness" on Satu… -
Saturday Jul 08, 2006
Sick of this life Not that you'd care I'm not the only one with wh… -
Saturday Jul 08, 2006
Happy endings are for people that aren't Matt. -
Wednesday Jul 05, 2006
Blah. That is the statement that best expresses my current state of … -
Saturday Jul 01, 2006
The sky is not falling. All may, in fact be well. No word from Cat,… -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
I feel like talking about something other than Catherine for once...b… -
Sunday Jun 25, 2006
Well apparently the solution to my Catherine conundrum has been to no…