Back from Fernie...
What a gong-show. I have not been that wrecked in quite some time...I pulled the typical "6 beers will do for preloading", failing to recognize that 2 of those 6 beers were in 1 L bottles. Ran into a girl I used to work with ages ago. I managed to score another beer outta that somehow...allthough I think I was rude to her...I didn't want to go to the bar to get drinks with her, because a Judas Priest song was playing (JUDAS F***ING PRIEST!). C. ended up in a hot tub at 3am with all her clothes on
doing Will Ferrell impressions. We then proceeded to pass out in our hotel room in a dissapointingly platonic fashion. Last weekend, we decided to stay "just friends" (for now) because the timing wasn't right. OK, how 'bout now? No? How 'bout now? no?
What a gong-show. I have not been that wrecked in quite some time...I pulled the typical "6 beers will do for preloading", failing to recognize that 2 of those 6 beers were in 1 L bottles. Ran into a girl I used to work with ages ago. I managed to score another beer outta that somehow...allthough I think I was rude to her...I didn't want to go to the bar to get drinks with her, because a Judas Priest song was playing (JUDAS F***ING PRIEST!). C. ended up in a hot tub at 3am with all her clothes on