What a depressing evening indeed. I was supposed to take out my friend Kyrsten and cheer her up, however by the end of the night I found myself horribly depressed. I was totally fine until my friends mentioned C. (that's what we're calling the illustrious "ladyfriend" now simply because it's easier). More specifically until they mentioned C. and her "plausible" reaction to her last "beau" coming home from the rigs. She had me convinced that that was over, and while it may be, nothing sobers you up faster than multiple friends inadvertant comments. "She's a train-wreck", "Just wait 'til he gets back from the rigs..." Granted, I shouldn't put so much faith in the comments of others, they still seem to have managed to rain out my parade (at least tonight). Lord I hope we get in touch tommorow night, and somehow sort this out. I'm terribly sick of ambiguous "friendships"...
I'd love to find someone serious (like I thought C. might be) and ditch the whole dating scene for a while (if not forever). Maybe I'll go in to work tommorow just to take my mind off things. Carbon-nitrogen coupling reactions seem to work better than any of the other coupling reactions I've tried lately. Moreover, I think it's time to move out. My parents came home yesterday after a month of travelling, and while I fell terrible saying it, I didn't miss them. While I'd love to see them for sunday dinners, or something domestic like that, it's so nice being independant. If only I could find someone else to move out with. C. mentioned that she wanted to move out. Hello vicious circle, I'm Matt, nice to meet you...
Oh well, at least Ali G. still rocks...throw the jew down the well indeed...hehe
I'd love to find someone serious (like I thought C. might be) and ditch the whole dating scene for a while (if not forever). Maybe I'll go in to work tommorow just to take my mind off things. Carbon-nitrogen coupling reactions seem to work better than any of the other coupling reactions I've tried lately. Moreover, I think it's time to move out. My parents came home yesterday after a month of travelling, and while I fell terrible saying it, I didn't miss them. While I'd love to see them for sunday dinners, or something domestic like that, it's so nice being independant. If only I could find someone else to move out with. C. mentioned that she wanted to move out. Hello vicious circle, I'm Matt, nice to meet you...
Oh well, at least Ali G. still rocks...throw the jew down the well indeed...hehe