Today is a good day I think for ranting.
Is there anything that illustrates the sheer idiocy of the masses like a dvd vending machine located ~20 yards from a dvd store in your local center of commerce?
Random quote pops into head on run this morning:
"My God! They're getting nude. Well I mustn't watch, it's not the proper thing to...I say! Nice ones Janine, and look at Lisa in all her curvacious glory!"
Ok, maybe it wasn't so random...I dated a girl named Janine once (literally ONCE). How's that for trivia?
Also concluded that running in the park before the sun comes up this time of year is effin' cold. Movies with my belle didn't happen last night, but beers with her friends did...I must lure her into a more private engagement if I'm to succeed in this endeavor! Hehe, I love that word...lure...
Meanwhile back at the farm (read: lab), I didn't blow up the joint, and managed to succeed in whatever it was that I was trying to do.
Tommorow is a good day I think for watching hockey games on a mini-tv in my office while I pretend to work.
Is there anything that illustrates the sheer idiocy of the masses like a dvd vending machine located ~20 yards from a dvd store in your local center of commerce?
Random quote pops into head on run this morning:
"My God! They're getting nude. Well I mustn't watch, it's not the proper thing to...I say! Nice ones Janine, and look at Lisa in all her curvacious glory!"
Ok, maybe it wasn't so random...I dated a girl named Janine once (literally ONCE). How's that for trivia?
Also concluded that running in the park before the sun comes up this time of year is effin' cold. Movies with my belle didn't happen last night, but beers with her friends did...I must lure her into a more private engagement if I'm to succeed in this endeavor! Hehe, I love that word...lure...
Meanwhile back at the farm (read: lab), I didn't blow up the joint, and managed to succeed in whatever it was that I was trying to do.
Tommorow is a good day I think for watching hockey games on a mini-tv in my office while I pretend to work.
HA. Lisa in her curvacious glory INDEED.
BAH. ozzy kicks dio's ass. you know nothing can touch my love of ozzy. quit trying to piss on my parade. and don't lie, you were damn straight looking for that picture.
awkward, nothing.