I'm too aware... I knew the hot Italian girl... Jiada? I'm guessing on the spelling.... was only dancing with me to avoid an unwanted lesbian encounter. I witnessed her paramour making moves earlier in the evening. I'm bitching because I got drunk specifically to shut my brain off yet it never shuts off completely.

Ah well.
It's midnight... I'm watching soft core porn in a pension in a small town in southern Moravia. Population: 13,000. And I thought my town of 100,000 was tiiny... Earlier I played pool alone in a mostly empty pool hall... people in Czech Republic don't challenge for the table... and before that I bowled with my Czech teacher and her friend. I won one game. Name...
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I did a search on a local bulletin board for people in my little corner of the Czech Republic and I found a post by a women who was new in town... last year. I dropped her a line and it turns out she's also a foreigner who invested in a property here. So I asked if we could meet and I could pick...
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I must brag. I got my keys. To my flat. Which I own. I am so cool. I am so cool.
WHOOOO!!! biggrin

To thine own self be true.... easier said than done.
Rob Brezsny is a amazing guy. I don't put too much stock in astrology but this guy manages to be on target for me personally very often. Here is what he has to say today...

Many Geminis are almost too multi-talented for their own good. One of my friends is a fine actress, singer, dancer, and poet. Another has expertise in forestry, medieval music, grant-writing,...
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All alone... everyone else in the office is either at a meeting or at the doctors.

I have no one to play with... and I really don't feel like working. Too hot in Philly to go outside... bah.

So, yesterday I had my first day at the gym. Took it slow. Jogged a mile and then played with machines. I'll be huge in no time....
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Going horsebackriding over the weekend. Two full days. It's been 5 years since I've rode. Can't wait to break out the old engineer boots.
I joined a gym today.

Wish me luck.
That is good. I wish you skill. Ignore all muscle comix. Lift hard, not long.

As in more weight, less reps?