@rambo , @missy, @lyxzen and @charmaine ask about the current season in our country, what a fantastic homework assignment! Thanks girls.
Its almost summer time over here in South Africa, as we move swiftly through spring time a predominant feature always captures peoples attention; the jacaranda trees are in full bloom paving the streets in a magnificent shade of lilac! This is a truly beautiful sight to see. I reside in Johannesburg and the view from Linksfield Ridge is something out of a fairy tale, the purple trees peek out of the lush greenery. Driving through the avenues is even more of a trip, the trees creep over the streets creating a tunnel of purple, it's truly breathtaking.
The beautiful Jacaranda avenues I drive through every day
View from the top, Hilbrow tower on the right!
The climate in South Africa varies, Johannesburg goes through freezing cold, dry Winters and boiling hot, wet Summers.
It gets sooooo hot here during Spring/Summer time with temperatures reaching 36 degrees Celsius! Life can get pretty uncomfortable in these circumstances especially if you don't have air conditioning. We are lucky enough to experience cool downs from the summer rains; they come and go without prediction and sometimes they stay but for 4 days at a time, we also often get mid day hail storms. The past week has been a rainy one, I must admit that I do enjoy the rain. The smell, the sound of the raindrops and thunder, and its also an excuse to get to cuddle up and watch series :p
Johannesburg traffic in the rain
Hail stones the size of golf balls from a huge hail storm that caused millions of Rands worth of damage!
So you are probably wondering what I get up to on a spring day, I love relaxing by the pool, unfortunately the closest beach to Johannesburg is a 6 hour drive away so we make the most of our swimming pools :p swimming is an absolute must! I also enjoy being outdoors, either walking the dogs at a beautiful nature reserve or picnicking with my friends. Last weekend we took my dogs for a walk and a picnic at the nature reserve we are so fond of and we stumbled across a few Zebra grazing on a field! Was a beautiful thing to see and we got to see the zebras up close.
Chillin by the pool
Getting my tan awwwn
The zebras I encountered last weekend
I hope you enjoyed my blog just as much as I enjoyed writing it and that you have a fantastic season wherever you are. Stay cozy if its cold and rock that bikini if its time to become sun kissed.
Lots of Love and Squeezes