Barbarella Does Scotland
There's no way not to make that sound sleazeeeeeee...
I'm completely sleep deprived and since the loverly Alison and I never actually got on a schedule in Scotland I have no way of determining how much I'm jetlagged...other than it falls somewhere in the "lots and lots" spectrum! And isn't that the way everyone should travel?
I strongly suggest that anyone trying to read this post just comes back in a few hours since I have tons of pictures and thing to it'll be a work in progress...
One of the fantastic things that I loved about Glasgow was how they fuse the old and the new.
In many cases that means putting a chain store into a really amazing old building...but that's's better than just leveling the great old building to put up a new Border's, right? I've seen it attempted other places and it just didn't seem to work well...but they do it really well in Glasgow.
The SGScotland men are kickass in so many amazing ways! They offered to take us American chicks out and about and followed through with much suaveness and charm.
TheNonStopDancer, the_shine, Battles and poprock who braved coming out to drink with us after spending a few hours under the inker's needle to get a smoking awesome new tattoo. Damn me for not having a picture of that...but trust me, it is awesome! Go bug him and maybe he'll treat us all to a picture...
Me and the_shine being all silly...
Lots of silliness. the_shine is the ultimate in tolerant...which is good because I can be a little silly sometimes...imagine that! He only teased me a few times about getting naked on the Clockwork Orange, which I never actually made it to...shame...perhaps a set in there would have fared better? hee hee
He was so sweet to us! He presented me with my own Glasgow Guidebook:
and took amazing care of us constantly. If any SGers are headed to should really look him up.
Me and the_shine at Edinburugh Castle
Castles are really cool. I wish I could say something a little more articulate about them...I wish the US had some.
Me, the_shine and TheNonStopDancer on the bus in Edinburugh...
I, obviously, have absolutely no problem being the ultimate "tourist" when I go away. Heck, I don't have a problem doing that here in the City either!
TheNonStopDancer valiantly took me to The Place to have Haggis...
I hear that at less posh places it comes in a little plastic bag. I have a firm rule about always trying everything at least once and usually twice (you could have just had a bad one...) but I don't think that I could have tried haggis from a plastic bag...this wasn't bad at all...I would eat it again. Being true to my family's sense of humor I had to track down some really cheap haggis in a that is bound to be frightening...but honestly, it was the perfect gift to bring back. I'm not trying it though...
Alison and I drinking with the SGScotland men in Edinburugh...
People start drinking in pubs in Scotland as early at 11am.
Me in one of the great, ol' skool red phone booths in Edinburugh...
We lost our last real phonebooth in NYC last year. I don't think that I ever actually used one the entire 6 years that I'd been in the City...but they kind of looked cool. Not nearly as awesome as these big red ones though.
Alison getting randy with the camera and shooting my ASS...
...yeah...I have nothing else to say about that...just my ass... You should have seen the pictures that got edited out before I uploaded them! wink.
TheNonStopDancer is, in addition to being a total riot and wickedly also a hardcore business man...he's all NonStopBusiness when necessary...
If you make it to Glasgow or Edinburugh go try the Mr. Bird's MYO Sandwich Shop. In my opinion, this is a good thing for Scotland...perhaps one cannot live entirely on fried Mars bars, fish'n'chips and haggis...but that is just a thought...
Me and Alison on the train to Edinburugh with the_shine...
We may have embarrassed him a little but we couldn't help it...
I. Do. Not. Like. Beer.
Barbarella. Does. Love. Rusty Nails. My god. Oh. My...GOD... Whiskey, Drambuie and a twist of lemon... Sugar high and alcohol kick all mixed up together. What's not to love? Unfortunately, I'm such a lightweight that after two days of downing those like they were going out of style I was basically ruined for any kind of drinking for the rest of the trip and spent the next 6 days drinking diet Cokes while Alison and the marvelous SGScotland men downed pints and vodka. I'm going to have to do some more Slobberknockin' here with the SGNYers before my next trip.
Scots will friggin' fry anything. Honest.
Generally, I never touch anything fried. But how could I not try fish'n'chips? And I can only imagine that it tastes even better when you've had a few pints. No wonder it is such a hit there!
You'd only find a SUBWAY sign in Scotland that offers DONUTS:
That sign cracked me up. OK. I had had a few drinks, but it just seemed like the Funniest Thing Ever when I saw it late one night. As I was snapping pictures of it the owner came out and was threatening to chase me. Hey, it was all for publicity! hee hee
I don't get Irn*Bru...but I was told that that may be because I tried diet... I think that that is probably NOT enough of an explanation... I have no way of explainging the wild popularity of the stuff in Scotland...but they do love it. It is The beautiful Tsui says that I would have had to try the "real" stuff in order to get the full effect...
Can often be a monsterous thing to accomplish when traveling... Thankfully, between Alison and myself we had at least enough makeup and supplies to turnout an army of flashy ladies. 16 shades of eyeshadow - check; 27 colors of lipstick - check; hairdryer - nope...It was touch-and-go there for awhile without the hairdryer, but the noble SGScotland men didn't tease us about our fly-away hair. Such gentlemen...
Alison isn't much of one for the "old stuff" so I headed off to see some of those sights on my own.
Alison and I playing around on the beautiful trees that line the drive up to the Loch Lomand Castle and in the amazingly beautiful gardens nearby. On our way back we found a "wedge" of swans and of course we had to feed them. One of them kept chasing me giving me flashbacks to the time a swan nearly bit my toe off at the zoo when I was 5-years old and living in NC.
Us ladies headed out on the unsuspecting party-goers of Glasgow:
My really silly I've-had-too-much-to-drink grin:
I don't even remember this getting taken...sleepy eyes...
I will elaborate and title more of these when I have another moment...there are more pictures in the pictures folder marked "Scotland"
There's no way not to make that sound sleazeeeeeee...
I'm completely sleep deprived and since the loverly Alison and I never actually got on a schedule in Scotland I have no way of determining how much I'm jetlagged...other than it falls somewhere in the "lots and lots" spectrum! And isn't that the way everyone should travel?
I strongly suggest that anyone trying to read this post just comes back in a few hours since I have tons of pictures and thing to it'll be a work in progress...
One of the fantastic things that I loved about Glasgow was how they fuse the old and the new.

In many cases that means putting a chain store into a really amazing old building...but that's's better than just leveling the great old building to put up a new Border's, right? I've seen it attempted other places and it just didn't seem to work well...but they do it really well in Glasgow.
The SGScotland men are kickass in so many amazing ways! They offered to take us American chicks out and about and followed through with much suaveness and charm.
TheNonStopDancer, the_shine, Battles and poprock who braved coming out to drink with us after spending a few hours under the inker's needle to get a smoking awesome new tattoo. Damn me for not having a picture of that...but trust me, it is awesome! Go bug him and maybe he'll treat us all to a picture...

Me and the_shine being all silly...

Lots of silliness. the_shine is the ultimate in tolerant...which is good because I can be a little silly sometimes...imagine that! He only teased me a few times about getting naked on the Clockwork Orange, which I never actually made it to...shame...perhaps a set in there would have fared better? hee hee
He was so sweet to us! He presented me with my own Glasgow Guidebook:

and took amazing care of us constantly. If any SGers are headed to should really look him up.

Me and the_shine at Edinburugh Castle

Castles are really cool. I wish I could say something a little more articulate about them...I wish the US had some.
Me, the_shine and TheNonStopDancer on the bus in Edinburugh...

I, obviously, have absolutely no problem being the ultimate "tourist" when I go away. Heck, I don't have a problem doing that here in the City either!
TheNonStopDancer valiantly took me to The Place to have Haggis...

I hear that at less posh places it comes in a little plastic bag. I have a firm rule about always trying everything at least once and usually twice (you could have just had a bad one...) but I don't think that I could have tried haggis from a plastic bag...this wasn't bad at all...I would eat it again. Being true to my family's sense of humor I had to track down some really cheap haggis in a that is bound to be frightening...but honestly, it was the perfect gift to bring back. I'm not trying it though...

Alison and I drinking with the SGScotland men in Edinburugh...

People start drinking in pubs in Scotland as early at 11am.
Me in one of the great, ol' skool red phone booths in Edinburugh...

We lost our last real phonebooth in NYC last year. I don't think that I ever actually used one the entire 6 years that I'd been in the City...but they kind of looked cool. Not nearly as awesome as these big red ones though.
Alison getting randy with the camera and shooting my ASS...

...yeah...I have nothing else to say about that...just my ass... You should have seen the pictures that got edited out before I uploaded them! wink.

TheNonStopDancer is, in addition to being a total riot and wickedly also a hardcore business man...he's all NonStopBusiness when necessary...

If you make it to Glasgow or Edinburugh go try the Mr. Bird's MYO Sandwich Shop. In my opinion, this is a good thing for Scotland...perhaps one cannot live entirely on fried Mars bars, fish'n'chips and haggis...but that is just a thought...
Me and Alison on the train to Edinburugh with the_shine...

We may have embarrassed him a little but we couldn't help it...
I. Do. Not. Like. Beer.

Barbarella. Does. Love. Rusty Nails. My god. Oh. My...GOD... Whiskey, Drambuie and a twist of lemon... Sugar high and alcohol kick all mixed up together. What's not to love? Unfortunately, I'm such a lightweight that after two days of downing those like they were going out of style I was basically ruined for any kind of drinking for the rest of the trip and spent the next 6 days drinking diet Cokes while Alison and the marvelous SGScotland men downed pints and vodka. I'm going to have to do some more Slobberknockin' here with the SGNYers before my next trip.
Scots will friggin' fry anything. Honest.
Generally, I never touch anything fried. But how could I not try fish'n'chips? And I can only imagine that it tastes even better when you've had a few pints. No wonder it is such a hit there!

You'd only find a SUBWAY sign in Scotland that offers DONUTS:

That sign cracked me up. OK. I had had a few drinks, but it just seemed like the Funniest Thing Ever when I saw it late one night. As I was snapping pictures of it the owner came out and was threatening to chase me. Hey, it was all for publicity! hee hee

I don't get Irn*Bru...but I was told that that may be because I tried diet... I think that that is probably NOT enough of an explanation... I have no way of explainging the wild popularity of the stuff in Scotland...but they do love it. It is The beautiful Tsui says that I would have had to try the "real" stuff in order to get the full effect...
Can often be a monsterous thing to accomplish when traveling... Thankfully, between Alison and myself we had at least enough makeup and supplies to turnout an army of flashy ladies. 16 shades of eyeshadow - check; 27 colors of lipstick - check; hairdryer - nope...It was touch-and-go there for awhile without the hairdryer, but the noble SGScotland men didn't tease us about our fly-away hair. Such gentlemen...

Alison isn't much of one for the "old stuff" so I headed off to see some of those sights on my own.

Alison and I playing around on the beautiful trees that line the drive up to the Loch Lomand Castle and in the amazingly beautiful gardens nearby. On our way back we found a "wedge" of swans and of course we had to feed them. One of them kept chasing me giving me flashbacks to the time a swan nearly bit my toe off at the zoo when I was 5-years old and living in NC.

Us ladies headed out on the unsuspecting party-goers of Glasgow:

My really silly I've-had-too-much-to-drink grin:

I don't even remember this getting taken...sleepy eyes...


I will elaborate and title more of these when I have another moment...there are more pictures in the pictures folder marked "Scotland"
Can't wait til you come to Atlanta. 

Jeez, you're home and all posted up already... it seems like you guys were just here yesterday!