Today we hit the American Museum of Natural History.
This is my sister in the butterfly exhibit (I love that exhibit!!!)
No matter how many times I've been to the AMNH this time was the best...because...well...look at this picture:
How can you top an experience where an adorable little kid makes a face like that?!
Here is us sharing music later:
And I just had to take this picture...seeing that they have the scuba guy tacked up on the wall with all the sport fish...just struck me as funny...
Then, dinner at Spice my favorite Thai restaurant in the City. I absolutely love that place. Not only is it really affordable, but it is YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY and the decor is slick. Plus, that is where me and Alison solidified our friendship. I'll always love that place...
I promise to get back to your comments...I still have familiy in town and they're running me ragged (which I love!) Being a tourist is tough work.
Tomorrow, now that my Pops is here, we're going to do StoryCorps, the Empire State Building, dinner at the Harrison and then the Blue Man Group.
Less than a week until Glasgow! The yummy folks of SGScotland are organizing me and Alison their own version of the Slobberknockin' -- Glasgow style! I've been advised that my blue hair may get me in trouble with the football crew.
On other news, due to visa issues on A's part it looks like the trip to Brazil may very likely not happen. I'm disappointed, but mostly just sad that he may not get to go home and see his family before he starts work. One way or the other, it looks like I will be moving to NC at the end of June. Just when I think I've figured out my summer plans...

This is my sister in the butterfly exhibit (I love that exhibit!!!)

No matter how many times I've been to the AMNH this time was the best...because...well...look at this picture:

How can you top an experience where an adorable little kid makes a face like that?!
Here is us sharing music later:

And I just had to take this picture...seeing that they have the scuba guy tacked up on the wall with all the sport fish...just struck me as funny...

Then, dinner at Spice my favorite Thai restaurant in the City. I absolutely love that place. Not only is it really affordable, but it is YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY and the decor is slick. Plus, that is where me and Alison solidified our friendship. I'll always love that place...
I promise to get back to your comments...I still have familiy in town and they're running me ragged (which I love!) Being a tourist is tough work.
Tomorrow, now that my Pops is here, we're going to do StoryCorps, the Empire State Building, dinner at the Harrison and then the Blue Man Group.
Less than a week until Glasgow! The yummy folks of SGScotland are organizing me and Alison their own version of the Slobberknockin' -- Glasgow style! I've been advised that my blue hair may get me in trouble with the football crew.
On other news, due to visa issues on A's part it looks like the trip to Brazil may very likely not happen. I'm disappointed, but mostly just sad that he may not get to go home and see his family before he starts work. One way or the other, it looks like I will be moving to NC at the end of June. Just when I think I've figured out my summer plans...

What pray tell is a great northern bean?
A great northern bean is popular in France for making cassoulet (a white bean casserole) and in the whole Mediterranean where many beans of a similar appearance are cultivated. These beans have a delicate flavor, thin skin, and are flat, kidney shaped, medium-sized white beans. They are also known as the dried seeds of green beans. In the US they are generally cooked and turned into Boston Baked Beans. But they are better straight from the can (even I don't soak and cook my own beans) and served with some ketchup and/or chilli powder.