My fridge says so much about me:
The big ol' black and white picture is me...
This is the timer (with the cut alarm wire so the alarm won't ring) that I used on the LSAT -- and the Christmas card that I made my Fella -- and the fridge alphabet letters that we use to make weird messages:
A great bondage picture -- one of my tattoo artist's business cards (Yea! Steph!!!) -- and a magnet from the tattoo artist who did the little heart on my hand -- and a magnet that my old rommie and good friend G gave me one year on my birthday because it was SOOOOO "me."
And my tribute to TEA:
So...I have blue hair. And it is getting bluer...
And dry...
Just wait until you see it tomorrow... I've never been the "fake" color type of gal, but I'm lovin' it today! And frankly, I'm terrifed of doing anything *else* to it this close to the shoot.

The big ol' black and white picture is me...
This is the timer (with the cut alarm wire so the alarm won't ring) that I used on the LSAT -- and the Christmas card that I made my Fella -- and the fridge alphabet letters that we use to make weird messages:

A great bondage picture -- one of my tattoo artist's business cards (Yea! Steph!!!) -- and a magnet from the tattoo artist who did the little heart on my hand -- and a magnet that my old rommie and good friend G gave me one year on my birthday because it was SOOOOO "me."

And my tribute to TEA:

So...I have blue hair. And it is getting bluer...

And dry...

Just wait until you see it tomorrow... I've never been the "fake" color type of gal, but I'm lovin' it today! And frankly, I'm terrifed of doing anything *else* to it this close to the shoot.
Ooooooo....I love the hair.
And the fridge.

my fridge is so boring blah