I highly doubt that I have only a 5.184% chance of getting married...but you have to keep reading to figure out what I'm talking about...
28 days (26 if you deduct the "violently ill" days that will happen somewhere in there...)
I just finished the dress last night. Silly camera phone doesn't do it justice. I wish I had more time to sew and fix things up these days.
So here is a (camera phone) picture of (a picture) me and my very, very bestest friend ever:
God. I miss her so much. I've never been so smitten with anyone in my whole life. She is perfection and sweetness and brilliance and sparkle and shine and *sigh* I miss her!!!
But she is flying back to the City May 10 and we're going to be inseperable for two weeks, once of which we will spend in Glasgow! My heart will be all light and winged-like again.
A friend showed up at my place at 11pm last night with a bottle of champagne because Columbia Records just signed his band. So the least I could do was stay up most the night drinking the best champagne I've ever had in my life...right? I love seeing people succeed at what they want. It makes me happy. Of course, that has made my meetings today very trying affairs.
And I just heard from the Man who is off doing fru-fru international litigation stuff in Austria. *dreamy sigh* He's so smart. Just less than a week and he's back. This makes me a very happy gal.
On other news:
My father phoned me up, very concerned - it appears he just read an article that smarter women are less likely to get married. (Duh). Not only that, but for every 15 IQ points away from average (100 for those of you playing in the studio audience), the likelihood that the woman will find a mate goes down 60%. After sharing this "distressing" information with me, my dad's concluded with "Do you know what this means? Most men are idiots".
(I responded by saying "See?! You should be happy that XXXX likes me. Since I'm a good 5 standard deviations from normal, XXXX might be my ONLY chance at tricking some guy into marrying me!" (He was not amused).
Still, that seems to be a rather stupid statistic... I highly doubt that I have only a 5.184% chance of getting married. Maybe if I lived in a remote area, but in the NYC area, I'm banking on a solid 13% of finding the right guy to settle down with.
But then again, I'm no mathematician.
I need to take some naked pictures. I have my laptop back from the MAC doctors. Now some pervert out there has like 3 million nuddie pictures of me that he probably wiped off my old hard-drive (don't ask) -- Has anyone ever seen The Contender? Not a great movie, but the basic plot is that the woman who is running for Vice-President is accused of having a gang-bang in college and she refuses to comment one way or the other on the principle that it is no ones business whether it happened or not. Anyway. Enough from me today.
28 days (26 if you deduct the "violently ill" days that will happen somewhere in there...)

So here is a (camera phone) picture of (a picture) me and my very, very bestest friend ever:

God. I miss her so much. I've never been so smitten with anyone in my whole life. She is perfection and sweetness and brilliance and sparkle and shine and *sigh* I miss her!!!
But she is flying back to the City May 10 and we're going to be inseperable for two weeks, once of which we will spend in Glasgow! My heart will be all light and winged-like again.
A friend showed up at my place at 11pm last night with a bottle of champagne because Columbia Records just signed his band. So the least I could do was stay up most the night drinking the best champagne I've ever had in my life...right? I love seeing people succeed at what they want. It makes me happy. Of course, that has made my meetings today very trying affairs.
And I just heard from the Man who is off doing fru-fru international litigation stuff in Austria. *dreamy sigh* He's so smart. Just less than a week and he's back. This makes me a very happy gal.
On other news:
My father phoned me up, very concerned - it appears he just read an article that smarter women are less likely to get married. (Duh). Not only that, but for every 15 IQ points away from average (100 for those of you playing in the studio audience), the likelihood that the woman will find a mate goes down 60%. After sharing this "distressing" information with me, my dad's concluded with "Do you know what this means? Most men are idiots".
(I responded by saying "See?! You should be happy that XXXX likes me. Since I'm a good 5 standard deviations from normal, XXXX might be my ONLY chance at tricking some guy into marrying me!" (He was not amused).
Still, that seems to be a rather stupid statistic... I highly doubt that I have only a 5.184% chance of getting married. Maybe if I lived in a remote area, but in the NYC area, I'm banking on a solid 13% of finding the right guy to settle down with.

But then again, I'm no mathematician.
I need to take some naked pictures. I have my laptop back from the MAC doctors. Now some pervert out there has like 3 million nuddie pictures of me that he probably wiped off my old hard-drive (don't ask) -- Has anyone ever seen The Contender? Not a great movie, but the basic plot is that the woman who is running for Vice-President is accused of having a gang-bang in college and she refuses to comment one way or the other on the principle that it is no ones business whether it happened or not. Anyway. Enough from me today.
i'd live on it alone, if i could.