Has anyone seen Dark Light, the documentary about the blind photographers? I'm really eager to see it!
My sister and I went kayaking in the Hudson yesterday -- 11 years here and I had never done it -- there are just so many amazing things to try in NYC and not nearly enough time to get to them all.

The only other time I had ever been in a kayak was when she and I were in Vietnam:
What can I say? We seem to be a good kayaking team. My mom insists that if you can manage a trip in a double kayak and still be speaking to the other person when you're done then you must be true friends.
If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to go leave love for Machete's newest set, which just hit MR: Machete - Ford A very special thanks to the Gasket Goons for letting us shoot at their car club. The big Rumblers Nation hot Rod Car Club show is coming up in Brooklyn on August 20 -- be sure to check it out -- I will definitely be there. There is a great pre-show music show the night before at The Trash Bar, too!

I have a huge shoot fest coming up next weekend that I am SO excited about -- lots of great ladies coming into town to shoot!
My sister and I went kayaking in the Hudson yesterday -- 11 years here and I had never done it -- there are just so many amazing things to try in NYC and not nearly enough time to get to them all.

The only other time I had ever been in a kayak was when she and I were in Vietnam:

What can I say? We seem to be a good kayaking team. My mom insists that if you can manage a trip in a double kayak and still be speaking to the other person when you're done then you must be true friends.
If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to go leave love for Machete's newest set, which just hit MR: Machete - Ford A very special thanks to the Gasket Goons for letting us shoot at their car club. The big Rumblers Nation hot Rod Car Club show is coming up in Brooklyn on August 20 -- be sure to check it out -- I will definitely be there. There is a great pre-show music show the night before at The Trash Bar, too!

I have a huge shoot fest coming up next weekend that I am SO excited about -- lots of great ladies coming into town to shoot!
Adventures in New York.
Awesome!! I am intrigued about this shoot fest!!! 
Great pics! I once swam in the Hudson River during the NYC Triathlon and got attacked by jellyfish, who knew jellyfish would be in the river?!?!?!
Glad you had a good time!
Yes there is so much to do in the city, but no time to do it!
Gotta change that. Will you be at Trash Bar? We should meet up for drinks!!