People Are Silly
I thought about saying "dumb," but I'm trying to be nicer.
There was an op-ed in a very well-known newspaper recently bashing free trade. The rationale was something along the lines of "the reason we have contaminated pet food products that kill our beloved pets (re: Menu pet food recall) is because of free trade."
Yes, obviously. *sarcasm* Because we here in the United States would NEVER have a problem with contaminated food. Where did the E. Coli spinach come from? Oh yeah, California...

Good Stuff
New York City is beautiful right now. I love this time of year. I wish the whole summer would stay just like this. 72-78' during the day and 62-65' in the evening. That would make me so happy... Of course, that makes me want to be outside which is a direct pull away from my need to be in the library. Exams begin in 4 weeks. I cannot believe that I am almost done with my first year of law school. How did that happen?
I spent a day with SG Bunny, SG Autumn and SG Limbo Daria recently. We invaded cikpup's apartment and completely destroyed it. I love those ladies. I feel really fortunate to have them all as dear friends. SG Carmen stopped by as well. I hadn't seen her in almost two years! Crazy. She looks even better than ever! I really hope that she has a new set sometime soon... MEOW! Now that is my idea of a sexy lady... Her first set doesn't do her the slightest bit of justice.
Coney Island: Astro Land
This is the last summer to enjoy Coney Island's Astro Land. I cannot believe that Brooklyn is losing Coney Island. So go ride the Cyclone this summer or miss out forever... *tiny tear* I've gotten sunburned there, eaten sausages there and run around in my bikini so many times...
Less than two months and I'll be living in Italy. Albertine and I are plotting like crazy. Both of us need to blow off some steam before I being my summer law school courses. Ha ha ha ha ha. What better place to do it than Rome?! This time around I'm going to be hitting up more of the Italian country side and I'm even going to go to Sicily!
I thought about saying "dumb," but I'm trying to be nicer.
There was an op-ed in a very well-known newspaper recently bashing free trade. The rationale was something along the lines of "the reason we have contaminated pet food products that kill our beloved pets (re: Menu pet food recall) is because of free trade."
Yes, obviously. *sarcasm* Because we here in the United States would NEVER have a problem with contaminated food. Where did the E. Coli spinach come from? Oh yeah, California...

Good Stuff
New York City is beautiful right now. I love this time of year. I wish the whole summer would stay just like this. 72-78' during the day and 62-65' in the evening. That would make me so happy... Of course, that makes me want to be outside which is a direct pull away from my need to be in the library. Exams begin in 4 weeks. I cannot believe that I am almost done with my first year of law school. How did that happen?
I spent a day with SG Bunny, SG Autumn and SG Limbo Daria recently. We invaded cikpup's apartment and completely destroyed it. I love those ladies. I feel really fortunate to have them all as dear friends. SG Carmen stopped by as well. I hadn't seen her in almost two years! Crazy. She looks even better than ever! I really hope that she has a new set sometime soon... MEOW! Now that is my idea of a sexy lady... Her first set doesn't do her the slightest bit of justice.
Coney Island: Astro Land
This is the last summer to enjoy Coney Island's Astro Land. I cannot believe that Brooklyn is losing Coney Island. So go ride the Cyclone this summer or miss out forever... *tiny tear* I've gotten sunburned there, eaten sausages there and run around in my bikini so many times...
Less than two months and I'll be living in Italy. Albertine and I are plotting like crazy. Both of us need to blow off some steam before I being my summer law school courses. Ha ha ha ha ha. What better place to do it than Rome?! This time around I'm going to be hitting up more of the Italian country side and I'm even going to go to Sicily!
also, op-ed is just that... not fact
You are going to have such an awesome time! Maybe after that you can steal Albertine back to the US and then come to Colorado with her
Yeah, yeah, I know. Wishful thinking.