So fess up...who sent me the gift off of my wishlist? Don't be shy...
Law School Adventures
The apartment smells like cookies. The kitties are all napping. I have law books and outlines strewn about like the snow that I wish would hurry up and get here...
SG Anna made these for me:
I think she did a great job! They are so pretty!
I've almost finished wrapping all my Christmas presents. I knew I wouldn't be able to go Christmas shopping with exams and all so I started buying gifts over the summer. It isn't easy to hide Christmas presents when you live in an apartment. There was one day when I thought the sex antics on the bed (well, the antics that pushed the bed halfway across the room) were going to give away one of the hiding places -- or break the gift! -- but thankfully it didn't. (I guess that blows my hiding spot for next year though...) But now, all the gifts that shouldn't be seen are wrapped. What else was I going to do the night before my Civ Pro exam? I couldn't study anymore and I certainly wasn't going to just lay in bed.
I mean really...the apartment really really smells like cookies. Life isn't fair sometimes. I'm going to have to overcompensate and eat a huge plate of cheese.
SG Bunny will be got nekkid in my apartment again. I don't know what it is about her. Every time she comes over she gets nekkid. wink. The cats love it though... If you haven't, go check out the last set I shot of her...
...she brought champagne and we got tipsy drinking bubbly and eating cheese and talking about Italy. Perfect evening. I think that the best thing about this site, other than the lovely nakedness, of course, are all of the wonderful friends I have made. I've met some of my closest friends through SG.
Happy Holidays, ladies and gents...