The Theater Always Starts At 8, Darling...
idolmaker surprised me with tickets to see The Lieutenant of Inishmore on Saturday night. all gushied up and headed out into the hurricane rains to Broadway.

Can you see the rain water dripping off of me? It was actually really fun. Rain makes me feel so alive...
Now, I'm not a huge theater fan...but The Lieutenant of Inishmore was fantastic. You can see a little video on the website. Dark, hilarious and full of some of the wittiest dialogue I've ever heard. Plus, there was revenge for murdered felines and that is a topic close to my heart. People are hacked apart (on stage...and I do mean hacked apart...complete with squirting blood and legs that come completely off of bodies...) because someone murdered someone else's cat. There was an astounding amount of gore involved. I've never seen a Broadway stage completely covered...and running in fake blood before. Unfortunately, there was too much gore and blood for the tourists because the show closed this weekend. Sad. Broadway finally gets some great theater and no one can handle it. I guess we're stuck with Beauty and the Beast. I used to think that that was why theater was "in trouble." Now, I think that theater is in trouble because the audience has little or no taste. Booooo!

"Why don't you slip out of those wet clothes and into a dry martini?"
After the theater we walked over to the famous Algonquin Hotel home of the famous Blue Bar and the Algonquin Cat:

Who really does have her own couch and who walks around like she owns the place... The Algonquin has had a resident cat since the 1930s. The current cat is named Matilda. She has a birthday party every year. There is even a cake...
Matilda has her own e-mail address, as well:
idolmaker took me to the Blue Bar at the Algonquin Hotel on our third or fourth date almost three years ago. I was so happy to be seeing him that I completely forgot where we were until he took me there on Saturday. How romantic!
But I didn't have a martini...because I'm a light-weight and can't handle them. I stick to Cabernets.
Indian Summer
I love this time of year. Its so beautiful outside. I'm back to my habit of taking walks whenever possible.

Only in Brooklyn do people come up with projects like this...

Back to school. Its going well. A lot of people told me that they didn't like law school. So far, I'm enjoying it. It is a lot of work and it is frustrating at times because you put in a lot of work to discover that they could have just said it in about two sentences instead of a dozen pages of garbled round-about logic that really makes no sense...but overall...I like law school.
But I'm geeky like that.
A Week From Tomorrow
I'm going to have dinner with my best-friend from college. I haven't seen him in over three years. I'm nervous about seeing him now. Hurt feelings will always be hurt, even if they have healed. His friendship was something special. Something that I have missed constantly since we parted ways. I got lucky and he offered a truce. I'm trying to put all of those memories behind me. But sometimes it is hard to do. I want to laugh with him again and know that our friendship will always be alive.
Bunny is in town and we're going to take pictures. Now, aren't you jealous?
idolmaker surprised me with tickets to see The Lieutenant of Inishmore on Saturday night. all gushied up and headed out into the hurricane rains to Broadway.

Can you see the rain water dripping off of me? It was actually really fun. Rain makes me feel so alive...
Now, I'm not a huge theater fan...but The Lieutenant of Inishmore was fantastic. You can see a little video on the website. Dark, hilarious and full of some of the wittiest dialogue I've ever heard. Plus, there was revenge for murdered felines and that is a topic close to my heart. People are hacked apart (on stage...and I do mean hacked apart...complete with squirting blood and legs that come completely off of bodies...) because someone murdered someone else's cat. There was an astounding amount of gore involved. I've never seen a Broadway stage completely covered...and running in fake blood before. Unfortunately, there was too much gore and blood for the tourists because the show closed this weekend. Sad. Broadway finally gets some great theater and no one can handle it. I guess we're stuck with Beauty and the Beast. I used to think that that was why theater was "in trouble." Now, I think that theater is in trouble because the audience has little or no taste. Booooo!

"Why don't you slip out of those wet clothes and into a dry martini?"
After the theater we walked over to the famous Algonquin Hotel home of the famous Blue Bar and the Algonquin Cat:

Who really does have her own couch and who walks around like she owns the place... The Algonquin has had a resident cat since the 1930s. The current cat is named Matilda. She has a birthday party every year. There is even a cake...
Matilda has her own e-mail address, as well:
idolmaker took me to the Blue Bar at the Algonquin Hotel on our third or fourth date almost three years ago. I was so happy to be seeing him that I completely forgot where we were until he took me there on Saturday. How romantic!
But I didn't have a martini...because I'm a light-weight and can't handle them. I stick to Cabernets.
Indian Summer
I love this time of year. Its so beautiful outside. I'm back to my habit of taking walks whenever possible.

Only in Brooklyn do people come up with projects like this...

Back to school. Its going well. A lot of people told me that they didn't like law school. So far, I'm enjoying it. It is a lot of work and it is frustrating at times because you put in a lot of work to discover that they could have just said it in about two sentences instead of a dozen pages of garbled round-about logic that really makes no sense...but overall...I like law school.
But I'm geeky like that.
A Week From Tomorrow
I'm going to have dinner with my best-friend from college. I haven't seen him in over three years. I'm nervous about seeing him now. Hurt feelings will always be hurt, even if they have healed. His friendship was something special. Something that I have missed constantly since we parted ways. I got lucky and he offered a truce. I'm trying to put all of those memories behind me. But sometimes it is hard to do. I want to laugh with him again and know that our friendship will always be alive.
Bunny is in town and we're going to take pictures. Now, aren't you jealous?
(sighs) I have always wanted to see a play on Broadway. I think I am going to email that cat.