I cant wait for summer, or even spring...what the hell am I thinking livng in the northeast...it is so freaking cold...Mazzy doesnt even want to go outside to pee..poor pug...pugsicle
it was -11 degrees out this afternoon!
I got more pics of Lucas developed today and I posted a few....
I just realized Ive been wearing the same wool socks for three days now...ugh...
where is my mind?...
wait isnt that in a pixies song...?
I've been slowly rebuilding a cd collection by getting all my friends to burn Cd's for me. It sucks because my old job used to be doing music reviews for the newspaper...so I had this massive CD/record collection with rare releases and stuff that is now nonexistent...I cant even remeber half the stuff I had...bah..poor poor me...blah blah blah...moving on now.....
Right now I'm listening to Baby Mozart, I got a few of those Baby Einstein things off ebay...they are actually quite entertaining...
My best friend bought me a new journal so I can start with my poetry again. Unfortunately I am not one of those geniouses that keeps their art in fire safe containers or backed up in their computers...
now I get to start fresh...which is a good thing...I'm not tied down by old ideas/impressions/themes...
I'm free to reinvent myself....I can leave
selective parts of me behind...
and work on the meaningful...
which reminds me...while were on the subject of art-
I was watching that Date patrol show on TLC..dont make fun of me I'm a new mom and its cold out and I'm supposed to be resting and there is not much for me to do...and
anyway..they had this girl named Mathilda on the show. She was absolutely beautiful and they made her over by taking off her "face armor" aka face peircings. It was really odd, what struck me though, was the fact that she was an artist and the few bits that they showed of her art were amazing. I was completely struck by it and now I am obsessing. Her work was so beautiful. I was sort of hoping she would be a member here or something...
maybe I'll get brave and make a post about it later...
time to get back to the little one....
much love
it was -11 degrees out this afternoon!
I got more pics of Lucas developed today and I posted a few....
I just realized Ive been wearing the same wool socks for three days now...ugh...
where is my mind?...
wait isnt that in a pixies song...?
I've been slowly rebuilding a cd collection by getting all my friends to burn Cd's for me. It sucks because my old job used to be doing music reviews for the newspaper...so I had this massive CD/record collection with rare releases and stuff that is now nonexistent...I cant even remeber half the stuff I had...bah..poor poor me...blah blah blah...moving on now.....
Right now I'm listening to Baby Mozart, I got a few of those Baby Einstein things off ebay...they are actually quite entertaining...
My best friend bought me a new journal so I can start with my poetry again. Unfortunately I am not one of those geniouses that keeps their art in fire safe containers or backed up in their computers...
now I get to start fresh...which is a good thing...I'm not tied down by old ideas/impressions/themes...
I'm free to reinvent myself....I can leave
selective parts of me behind...
and work on the meaningful...
which reminds me...while were on the subject of art-
I was watching that Date patrol show on TLC..dont make fun of me I'm a new mom and its cold out and I'm supposed to be resting and there is not much for me to do...and
anyway..they had this girl named Mathilda on the show. She was absolutely beautiful and they made her over by taking off her "face armor" aka face peircings. It was really odd, what struck me though, was the fact that she was an artist and the few bits that they showed of her art were amazing. I was completely struck by it and now I am obsessing. Her work was so beautiful. I was sort of hoping she would be a member here or something...
maybe I'll get brave and make a post about it later...
time to get back to the little one....
much love
Your baby's a sweetie. Glad to see your both doing well.
mommahood seems to make you super happy...thats great cuz you've got one adorable little baby.