i dunno how to add fellow sg's to my friends list...but i wanted to add anouck and audio just now...
I went and got my photos done today, they will be back in two weeks. They came out brilliantly i am so happy
tommorow is the crazy baby shower...
oh boy.
I was just thinking that i have been here for over a year now, i wish i could remember the exact day. i could throw a party!
I asked to get my profile pic changed, it makes me look slightly more psychotic than i do in real life, and i just dont think it's nessecary to look that derranged.
maybe its the stripes?
i can't wait to do a new set after my body is only occupied by one person. it's going to take some dedication at my yoga and pilates classes first, but i can do it.
i wish i could afford one of those pilates machines for my house.
i wish i had rich and generous benefactors. i swear if i had money I would spread it around like buttah...really i would. i got the shit end of the stick as far as social economics go...stingy people shouldnt be blessed with money, you should only get to be a billionare if your mother taught you how to share.
i watched rich girls on mtv...it made me want to
with jealousy...to be so rich..and so nieve and sheltered..what I almost wouldn't give.
ignorance isnt always bliss and money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure the hell would alleviate enough stress so that i could focus on it.
cuz all i want is a room somewhere , and my pug dog would live there, and the landlord wouldn't care, oh wouuuuldnt it be loverly.
if a billionare happens to be a member on sg, and happens to read this, and happens to be a nice person who wants to shower me with their generosity, all i want for christmas is
1. a little teeny beach house for me and my pug and my new little baby
2. a job writing poetry where i can eat organcic chocolate and stay in bed all day
3.a safe fuel efficient car so i can gt around without waiting in the rain or snow for the city bus
4. enough $ so my mum doesn't have to work and i can send my son to college.
that is all
thank you.

I went and got my photos done today, they will be back in two weeks. They came out brilliantly i am so happy
tommorow is the crazy baby shower...

I was just thinking that i have been here for over a year now, i wish i could remember the exact day. i could throw a party!
I asked to get my profile pic changed, it makes me look slightly more psychotic than i do in real life, and i just dont think it's nessecary to look that derranged.
maybe its the stripes?
i can't wait to do a new set after my body is only occupied by one person. it's going to take some dedication at my yoga and pilates classes first, but i can do it.
i wish i could afford one of those pilates machines for my house.
i wish i had rich and generous benefactors. i swear if i had money I would spread it around like buttah...really i would. i got the shit end of the stick as far as social economics go...stingy people shouldnt be blessed with money, you should only get to be a billionare if your mother taught you how to share.
i watched rich girls on mtv...it made me want to

with jealousy...to be so rich..and so nieve and sheltered..what I almost wouldn't give.
ignorance isnt always bliss and money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure the hell would alleviate enough stress so that i could focus on it.

cuz all i want is a room somewhere , and my pug dog would live there, and the landlord wouldn't care, oh wouuuuldnt it be loverly.

if a billionare happens to be a member on sg, and happens to read this, and happens to be a nice person who wants to shower me with their generosity, all i want for christmas is
1. a little teeny beach house for me and my pug and my new little baby
2. a job writing poetry where i can eat organcic chocolate and stay in bed all day
3.a safe fuel efficient car so i can gt around without waiting in the rain or snow for the city bus
4. enough $ so my mum doesn't have to work and i can send my son to college.
that is all
thank you.

Have you had your baby yet? 

I just went through your pictures and I have to say, you're the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen.