here is the amazon list because I'm a big stupid head and put the link in wrong last time (thanks for helping artchick:kiss
"stealing a language that ain't mine"
would be a reference to growing up in a predominately white environment with a white parent and white friends in a state that is 99 percent white and then trying to validate my use of "ethnic" vocabulary to an audience of forty something caucasians while reading in a rather stuffy poetry cafe. Sometimes I have a hard time grasping the randomness of it all. At most it was just a reference to feeling out of place.
Today was almost as good as yesterday.
I'm thinking about getting a po box so I can start a poetry circle, does anyone know how much those are (the post office box rentals I mean)?
I just got my journal for the journal run here. I can't wait for some brilliant inspiration to decorate the pages. maybe I'll do a tag, or a collage, hmmm....
I can't wait to get mine back...ooh this is so exciting!
I love surprises and art and newness..
I've been on tylenol with codiene for the past couple of days. Apparently the alien growing in my belly has decided to grow big enough to start busting my ribs. Ah the joys of pregnancy
has everyone seen the new pics of my pug all dressed up? I just put them up the other day....there was a thread that suggested that dressing your pet up is one of the first signs of psychosis, I guess I'm well on my way.
oh my oh my
much love to everyone
muah muah muah

"stealing a language that ain't mine"
would be a reference to growing up in a predominately white environment with a white parent and white friends in a state that is 99 percent white and then trying to validate my use of "ethnic" vocabulary to an audience of forty something caucasians while reading in a rather stuffy poetry cafe. Sometimes I have a hard time grasping the randomness of it all. At most it was just a reference to feeling out of place.
Today was almost as good as yesterday.
I'm thinking about getting a po box so I can start a poetry circle, does anyone know how much those are (the post office box rentals I mean)?
I just got my journal for the journal run here. I can't wait for some brilliant inspiration to decorate the pages. maybe I'll do a tag, or a collage, hmmm....
I can't wait to get mine back...ooh this is so exciting!
I love surprises and art and newness..

I've been on tylenol with codiene for the past couple of days. Apparently the alien growing in my belly has decided to grow big enough to start busting my ribs. Ah the joys of pregnancy

has everyone seen the new pics of my pug all dressed up? I just put them up the other day....there was a thread that suggested that dressing your pet up is one of the first signs of psychosis, I guess I'm well on my way.

oh my oh my
much love to everyone

muah muah muah
um gl on drivers test i dont know how i managed
to pass it, i only function well in 2 dimensions
Looks like I'll be a public transportation ho for a little while
its safer anyway....
I woke up at two this afternoon, I feel like a big lazy bum.
I finished my art for the journal run, I can't remeber when I'm supposed to send that back out, today I think?
I'll look in a minute.
I am eating a gummi bear multi vitamin.whoever came up with that idea is a genious, vitamins that taste like candy... I'm such an american.
artchick I love you
I'll try to motivate myself to get some pics done.
I'll update later...I need some breakfast