Haven't logged in for soooooo long. I'm going to enjoy exploring the new site and seeing if some of my old e-pals are still kicking around here. There are so many new sets and blogs, I don't even know where to begin. To do list: Update profile, update profile pic, write blog.......zzzzzzzzzzzzz...OMG nekkid people!
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 10, 2009
Oh man, this site is amazing...I'm repulsed, yet soooo hungry. ...an… -
Monday Feb 09, 2009
Not sure why, but I'm totally addicted to 'Itunes U' right now. I ke… -
Sunday Feb 08, 2009
Waking up in a strange (read: different) bed is always confusing for … -
Saturday Feb 07, 2009
I found out last night that a very dear friend of mine was in the hos… -
Friday Feb 06, 2009
I've been feeling very creative recently, which is good. I go throug… -
Thursday Feb 05, 2009
Call me pathetic, but I've been amusing myself by posting scandalous-… -
Tuesday Feb 03, 2009
I'm somewhat depressed to realize that in a couple of years, I'll leg… -
Saturday Jan 31, 2009
Why is it that we sometimes fall in love with those who cannot love u… -
Monday Jan 26, 2009
Haven't been posting much lately...though I never really have been mu… -
Monday Dec 01, 2008
I've been feeling better about things. Losing my job sucks, but in a…