I never understood so-called anarchists. I agree with the so-called experts that say that anarchy would very soon be reduced to some sort of power-struggle between tribes as the 'leaders' and 'followers' find protection for themselves, and with the strongest of the tribes creating some sort of a despotism. It's human nature...it's been going on for thousands of years. Do we presume to think we've evolved beyond our instincts. Do we think we could last more than a week? Bullshit.
Not sure why this was in my head...I've been reading some things about order and chaos...and then saw some 15 year old with an anarchy symbol on their t-shirt. He'd probably be one of the first ones to go in his 'New World Order." Most people who promote anarchy are ill-prepared to deal with it.
Anyway, I've caught up on the last couple seasons of Heroes...meh...there was some cool stuff, but I got sick of all the 'kissyface' stuff with family and love interests. Maybe I'm just a bitter bastard. I'm ready to sit the frack down and shut the frack up for tonight's frackin episode of BSG!
Work stuff still sucks. When it comes, it's sweet...good money, but I'm still on the hustle and can't let my guard down. I need to move next month because I can no longer afford to live in SF alone and jobless.
I'll miss this place.
Not sure why this was in my head...I've been reading some things about order and chaos...and then saw some 15 year old with an anarchy symbol on their t-shirt. He'd probably be one of the first ones to go in his 'New World Order." Most people who promote anarchy are ill-prepared to deal with it.
Anyway, I've caught up on the last couple seasons of Heroes...meh...there was some cool stuff, but I got sick of all the 'kissyface' stuff with family and love interests. Maybe I'm just a bitter bastard. I'm ready to sit the frack down and shut the frack up for tonight's frackin episode of BSG!
Work stuff still sucks. When it comes, it's sweet...good money, but I'm still on the hustle and can't let my guard down. I need to move next month because I can no longer afford to live in SF alone and jobless.