Waking up in a strange (read: different) bed is always confusing for the first 30 secs or so. No, it's not as fun as it sounds...just crashed at a friend's place after his birthday dinner ran long. I have to wait around for 3 hours, so we can grab breakfast, after which I make my way back up to SF. I just want to be in my own room right now...with my own stuff...and my own cat. I've been thinking a lot about 'things' so my mind is often in another place.
I think of myself as a pretty upbeat 'bright-side' person, but these days, I'm feeling like a focus of negative energy. I think if I could deal with all these problems individually, I'd be fine, but the lay off and associated stress, my recent heartbreak, and the news of my friend in the hospital is just making me a mess. I feel I'm becoming one of those people who would call you and you would not pick up the phone when you saw my name. I don't like being this person, but even the strongest and most self-reliant of us get knocked down.
Yeah, I know, things could be worse and they are bound to get better...it's just I feel I have a gun to my head because my bank account runs dry in a few months. and for the first time in my life, I feel completely out of control over what I will be doing about it. I'm pretty smart and resourceful but here and now...as I sit here on this strange couch, shivering under this strange blanket...nothing comes to mind.
Where the fucking strange coffee?!
I think of myself as a pretty upbeat 'bright-side' person, but these days, I'm feeling like a focus of negative energy. I think if I could deal with all these problems individually, I'd be fine, but the lay off and associated stress, my recent heartbreak, and the news of my friend in the hospital is just making me a mess. I feel I'm becoming one of those people who would call you and you would not pick up the phone when you saw my name. I don't like being this person, but even the strongest and most self-reliant of us get knocked down.
Yeah, I know, things could be worse and they are bound to get better...it's just I feel I have a gun to my head because my bank account runs dry in a few months. and for the first time in my life, I feel completely out of control over what I will be doing about it. I'm pretty smart and resourceful but here and now...as I sit here on this strange couch, shivering under this strange blanket...nothing comes to mind.
Where the fucking strange coffee?!

haha ah well i suppose it takes all types. Me I'm a fan of Japanese
But I think that has to do with the anime obsession. hehe.

hmm, well its not new stuff but my favs are Trigun, Samurai Champloo, Deathnote, Ergo proxy, Helsing, Chrono Cursade, Zombie loan, and the list goes on and on. I'm over those animes that go on forever. I get sick of watching fights that last like 50 eps