Well, my big date is back ON...no 'all fish' menu this week! The relationship has gotten a lot more interesting...but I'm still wondering where it's going.
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 24, 2008
My post yesterday was a big pile of crap. If I spent half as much ti… -
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
I was up all of the other night, so last night I actually got a full … -
Sunday Jul 20, 2008
Today was a good day. I learned a little bit more about Logic Pro St… -
Sunday Jul 13, 2008
Well, it's travel season again. A short trip to L.A. kicks off what … -
Tuesday Jun 10, 2008
It's been too long. I really tell myself I should be more faithful t… -
Saturday Apr 26, 2008
Well, it seems I'm not in the dire straits I thought I was in. Basic… -
Thursday Apr 10, 2008
Well, I had a lot of fun as a member of this site. I'm gonna miss my… -
Friday Apr 04, 2008
I've been in a pensive mood these past weeks. I'm starting to do the… -
Tuesday Feb 19, 2008
It's been a damn long tie since I've updated. I kept meaning to, but… -
Saturday Dec 01, 2007
Yeah so...my social life is in shambles again. I've been traveling s…
I'll keep my finger crossed for you! just let me know how its goes, allright? unless you end up being kidnapped for days by this lady to have hot sex, if it's like that you're excused.