Today was a good day. I learned a little bit more about Logic Pro Studio, which is the most amazing piece of software I've ever owned! My roommate thinks I'm a talentless hack, but that's why it's a hobby and not a job.
I have to go into work today, but it's by my own choice. I need to power through a lot of busy work and I can work better and faster when I'm alone.
The landlady's handyman came by today to fix some stuff in my apartment. I was thankful, but the biggest job was left undone. Apparently it will require significant work and the landlady needs to authorize the expense. Basically, one of my windowsills has rotted away and every time it rains, the water goes straight into the wall, so there's a bit of water damage. This is going to be my roommate's bedroom eventually, so I was hoping that he'd be able to move his shit outta the living room.
It was a good day, yet I can't sleep. I laid down a couple of times, but no luck. I'm not even remotely tired. Too bad it's frickin 3am and I can't make any noise. I have a season of Deadwood to power through, in addition to Family Guy and Ghost in the Shell. I could stay up for days at this rate.
I've been thinking about renting out some workspace in an attempt to get back into my childhood fantasy of becoming a luthier. I think when I'm done with this 9 to 5 bullshit job of mine, I'm going to retire to a cabin in the mountains and restore old violins. I think it would be very satisfying to take something that's old and broken -- discarded by its owner -- and make it sing again. Doubt I'll be rolling in cash, but it's something to do with my hands I guess.
I suppose I can attempt to lie down again and sleep, though it seems like an exercise in futility. I suppose I have too much of my soul to search. I need a change. These are dangerous thoughts.

The landlady's handyman came by today to fix some stuff in my apartment. I was thankful, but the biggest job was left undone. Apparently it will require significant work and the landlady needs to authorize the expense. Basically, one of my windowsills has rotted away and every time it rains, the water goes straight into the wall, so there's a bit of water damage. This is going to be my roommate's bedroom eventually, so I was hoping that he'd be able to move his shit outta the living room.
It was a good day, yet I can't sleep. I laid down a couple of times, but no luck. I'm not even remotely tired. Too bad it's frickin 3am and I can't make any noise. I have a season of Deadwood to power through, in addition to Family Guy and Ghost in the Shell. I could stay up for days at this rate.
I've been thinking about renting out some workspace in an attempt to get back into my childhood fantasy of becoming a luthier. I think when I'm done with this 9 to 5 bullshit job of mine, I'm going to retire to a cabin in the mountains and restore old violins. I think it would be very satisfying to take something that's old and broken -- discarded by its owner -- and make it sing again. Doubt I'll be rolling in cash, but it's something to do with my hands I guess.

I suppose I can attempt to lie down again and sleep, though it seems like an exercise in futility. I suppose I have too much of my soul to search. I need a change. These are dangerous thoughts.