I've been in a pensive mood these past weeks. I'm starting to do the kind of soul -searching again that usually leads to me uprooting and changing my life. I've hd 3 or 4 of these little jumpstarts in the past 10 years. Each time, I change my job, change my home, and change my social circle. The older I get, the more irresponsible it seems. I think these feelings have been coming about because I'm convinced I'm about 2 months from being laid off. Two reasons...when you hear terms like "bottom-line driven" and "risk-free" it paints the picture of a very sterile and boring work environment. I was hired to do a job, but I'm convinced that the overall direction of the company will change and that I'll become peripheral. It's easy to get totally stressed out when I look around and think about all the expenses that I need to maintain, what with rent, debts, etc. Losing my job would be the worst possible thing that could happen to me. But yet I walk around with a smile on my face. Why? Because I always land in my feet. I'm one of those people who believes that "things happen for a reason." I guess it's a good thing I never met "the one" that I've been mentioning here and there or settled down. Most women don't find jobless men attractive.
So I'm in financial lockdown. What does that mean? Well, I cook at home and play more WoW. $15 a month for 30 days of entertainment is a good deal.
I could stand to lose a few pounds anyway.

So I'm in financial lockdown. What does that mean? Well, I cook at home and play more WoW. $15 a month for 30 days of entertainment is a good deal.

adventures are fun everyone should go on adventures every now and again it is good for the mind and soul
i hope that your cat is okay!!!!!