Yeah social life is in shambles again. I've been traveling so much lately that I've alienated my friends and even when I'm home, all I do is sleep. I have a houseguest. He's a good friend of mine, really, but I'm starting to miss my own personal space. We have different social habits...he is a social butterfly and I'm a complete recluse. He'll be out soon though...I'll miss him when he's gone. Work is going well I guess. I'm not stressed, but I'm feeling the pressure for sure. I went to Australia a couple weeks ago..then New Zealand...then is France, followed by Finland, then on to Poland. I've pretty much given up on having any kind of relationship for now. Unless I can find some amazing woman who is cool with thier man being gone 2 weeks a month, I suppose I have to wait until the next job. Who knows, maybe when I meet that special someone, I'll never want to leave...after which point I'll be promptly fired. I saw an old girlfriend last week...after 7 years. I dunno, part of me wanted to hook up with her to relive the old days of amazing sex...but I'm glad we didn't. She's happy now...trying to rekindle any type of romance...even shallow and long-distance would only create more problems than it solves. I spent Thanksgiving with friends. It was a hell of a lot of fun actually...pot luck. I contributed a favorite dish and an amazing bottle of wine. The dish is so simple, yet makes me look like an uber-chef. Mini-pumkins, gutted, filled with heavy cream, gruyere cheese, and a sage leaf. Put the cap back on and bake for 40 or so mins. Viola! Soooooo.fucking good! I keep telling myself I need to exercise again and drop some weight, but who trusts a skinny chef. I sure as hell don't!

You're a CHEF?!? Where do you live again? The way to a naked internet model's heart is through her stomach. Although I don't suppose you know a lot of vegan cooking ... still, anything with pumpkin makes Salome happy in her tummy.
(Duh, it's right there in your profile: San Francisco. I will be in SF on Feb. 2 for Lil Tuffy's Winter Ball. I'll be performing, to be specific, and drinking heavily. So this is your official invitation to come out if you weren't already planning on it.