I dunno, man...My life has been pathetic lately. Literally all I do is work and sleep. On the weekends, I'm so burned out, I can't even bring myself to go outside. Once in awhile, I'll grab a drink...or 10...with the guys, but for the most part I'm becoming an aggressively antisocial hermit. I think all the people interaction I have at work is ruining it for my "real" relationships. I think I've alienated nearly every friend I have. I prefer life before Caller ID...when I didn't know who was calling. I could justify to myself that it was just some dumbass telemarketer...but now I see all my friends' names, but I don't pick up the phone. It makes me feel nothing but guilt, but I haven't the motivation to change. I think my job is gonna be the death of me. Maybe I should stop whining and start thinking about solutions. But thinking is like work...and I don't wanna do that right now.
I'm not as bummed out as I sound, but I've definitely been in a funk. This isn't me. I need to get my shit together.

I'm sorry that you're going through this, I'm sure you'll get the motivation to change that if you really want to. I never pick up the phone anymore either, it's kind of sad, but I'm already a hermit, you still have a chance
if you don't, we can go live in a cave!