Happy Thanksgiving all. I'm not feeling too chatty, so I'll just post the crown jewels of my recent trip to Budapest. Still feeling sick and nasty. I have a lot on my mind, but no energy to think about how to articulate it.

Cross Bridge from the tallest point in Budapest. A little blurry, but a fantastic sight.

The castle all lit up...just to the left of the bridge above.

The Heroes Square. It's a great place to see in person...the clouds in the background make it for me...very powerful. I wish I was a better photographer.

A fountain on the castle grounds.
I have like 200 more photos, but resizing and converting them to JPG is a total pain in the ass.

Cross Bridge from the tallest point in Budapest. A little blurry, but a fantastic sight.

The castle all lit up...just to the left of the bridge above.

The Heroes Square. It's a great place to see in person...the clouds in the background make it for me...very powerful. I wish I was a better photographer.

A fountain on the castle grounds.
I have like 200 more photos, but resizing and converting them to JPG is a total pain in the ass.
i have alot of birds simply because i like birds and then my half sleeve is of me and my fav animal...
Thanks for the comment on mine and Wendy's set. I wish I could go to Budapest. I haven't travelled enough dammit!