I gotta update more often. I just got back from London the other night and I'm still tired. Part of it's phsyical...4 solid days of meetings and walking around a convention hall...part of it's mental...my sleeping patterns are off (when are they not?) I'm also just spritiually tired. I need something to boost my spirits, but I dunno what I could do. I have to get on another plane at 6am on Monday to heads to Baltimore. Ugh...Maryland has some good things about it, but I'm not looking forward to going back. Big trip coming up at the end of the month too...Budapest, Stockholm, and Copenhagen. Sounds exciting, but I dunno if I'll have any free time. I'm taking my camera though...Budapest looks frickin' gorgeous. I heard the women are hot too...I can't wait, actually!
I've been feeling "emotional" lately. I dunno...I'm just unsatisfied (again). Job is okay I guess...maybe I'm just lonely. The girl at work I'm so madly in love with said we were "buddies" yesterday...that's already sealed my fate. Women don't date "buddies", right?
Oh well.

I've been feeling "emotional" lately. I dunno...I'm just unsatisfied (again). Job is okay I guess...maybe I'm just lonely. The girl at work I'm so madly in love with said we were "buddies" yesterday...that's already sealed my fate. Women don't date "buddies", right?

You bet I watch my snake eat! It's not morbid curiousity though, I can't believe he can get something that big in that tiny little mouth of his!