The social gathering the other night was good fun. I saw a lot of people I've wanted to for a long time...and a few I haven't. Most were disgruntled and talked shop the whole night. A few asked questions about my current workplace...not in the way that they were interested, but in the way that they wanted a job and recommendation from me. I hate when people dance around the point...just come out and say "should I send in my resume...will you talk me up?!" Those people were in the minority, though, so the experience was positive overall.
Now my roommate is wishy-washy about quitting his job. I knew he would break...he's not going anywhere!
I do want to see him in a better place, but when the homeowner talks about quitting, it makes me a bit nervous.
I'm feeling lazy today. I literally only got an hour of sleep the other night and the 8 hours I got last night wasn't enough. I need some coffee bigtime...have to work on a little project today and need to be alert.
Ugh, I'm rambling..time to stop typing...
Now my roommate is wishy-washy about quitting his job. I knew he would break...he's not going anywhere!

I'm feeling lazy today. I literally only got an hour of sleep the other night and the 8 hours I got last night wasn't enough. I need some coffee bigtime...have to work on a little project today and need to be alert.
Ugh, I'm rambling..time to stop typing...
That's a pretty douchebag thing to do to fans like you who paid assloads to see him. He's come a looong way since then; this show was the most professional I've ever ever seen.