Ahhh...it was a great day for a BBQ. I celebrated 4th of July a bit early. My roommate and I fired up the grill, made some squeelers and enjoyed a pitcher of sangria that has been marinating since yesterday. I'm in a much better mood than I was yesterday...not that I was in a BAD mood then, but was feeling a bit egomaniacal. Only problem is it's 5pm and I'm sleepy as hell...the red wine did it! I pretty much wrote today off...tomorrow it's "clean house" day and Tuesday is "catch up on work" day. Em...perhaps I'll flip that around..dunno yet. I'm also gonna go nab a webcam tomorrow....or a simple digital cam at least. I have stuff to ebay!
Plus, I spose I should put my pic up here...John Belushi is the man and all, but perhaps it's time y'all saw the real me.
Crush of the day:

Crush of the day: