I guess I'm in a comfortable place with that co-worker of mine. I've pretty much written her off, due to the situation, but I still enjoy looking at and flirting with her -- she's SOOOO awesome...
Crossing that mental barrier is difficult and makes the difference, though...i.e. going from being hopeful, trying to impress her, and winning her affections to just having fun with and getting to know her. It's really all you can do with a co-worker...at least in my book. Besides, she's arguably one of the hottest girls in the entire company, so I'm sure she's used to all the other dudes falling over themselves trying to get her into the sack. Without the sexual tension (probably only on my side), the whole situation will become more natural and friendly. I dunno, maybe I overanalyze it, but that's what I do!
I've felt like shit for a week...not getting enough sleep, and the sleep I do get isn't too comfortable. The job is pretty awesome, but the only frustrating thing is the perceived lack of interest in my position. It's tough to get people behind "the cause" when they don't know what the fuck you even do.
If I wasn't so busy all the time, I'd sit down with everyone and introduce myself and do the "help me help you" thing, but I just don't have the time. Between actually working and flirting with my co-worker, there's no time for social stuff.
Saw "Hostel" last night. That movie was laughable at best...lots of hot, naked women, but the over the top violence portion was just stupid. I was expecting to see something out of the ordinary...oh well. I was entertained for the 90 minutes it was on, but I sure as hell am not gonna buy it or watch it again. There were a couple of parts that I thought were hilarious, but I know I'd be the only person laughing in the theater. Bleh...time to get showered and stuff for work...

I've felt like shit for a week...not getting enough sleep, and the sleep I do get isn't too comfortable. The job is pretty awesome, but the only frustrating thing is the perceived lack of interest in my position. It's tough to get people behind "the cause" when they don't know what the fuck you even do.

Saw "Hostel" last night. That movie was laughable at best...lots of hot, naked women, but the over the top violence portion was just stupid. I was expecting to see something out of the ordinary...oh well. I was entertained for the 90 minutes it was on, but I sure as hell am not gonna buy it or watch it again. There were a couple of parts that I thought were hilarious, but I know I'd be the only person laughing in the theater. Bleh...time to get showered and stuff for work...

It will be a while before the set makes its way through the system, but I did put up a couple pictures in my journal.