Oh man, only been 5 days working and my brain is fried to hell. I made an ass outta myself today by standing up in front of the entire company, introducing myself, then forgetting my title. It was like "Hi I'm X, Director of....um...*crickets chirping*. I recovered but I was pretty flushed. I'm good in front of small groups...I hear and give presentations for a living...but in front of 350 people, I fall apart. Oh well.
Tonight is my buddy's birthday party. It's the guy I was talking about a few days ago..the one everyone hates for no reason. I'm a bit low on actual cash, but I told him I'd buy him something extra nice on my first payday. We will hit Best Buy with a vengeance. He invited me to a bash at the micro-brewery he works for...his girlfriend is bartending...free beer all night! He's 39 or some such..jesus...I have 40 year old friends...what the hell?
I said this before but I seriously need a new wardrobe. My first trip to Macy's is gonna be painful.... It doesn't help that I'm such a fatass now...high end designers only make clothes for waifs it seems. Maybe I'm just inspired by "Bluto", pictured above. I just need a sweatshirt wit "College" on it, and I'd be a spitting image.
Ugh...gotta go soon...I need to down a few glasses of water in anticipation.
Tonight is my buddy's birthday party. It's the guy I was talking about a few days ago..the one everyone hates for no reason. I'm a bit low on actual cash, but I told him I'd buy him something extra nice on my first payday. We will hit Best Buy with a vengeance. He invited me to a bash at the micro-brewery he works for...his girlfriend is bartending...free beer all night! He's 39 or some such..jesus...I have 40 year old friends...what the hell?
I said this before but I seriously need a new wardrobe. My first trip to Macy's is gonna be painful.... It doesn't help that I'm such a fatass now...high end designers only make clothes for waifs it seems. Maybe I'm just inspired by "Bluto", pictured above. I just need a sweatshirt wit "College" on it, and I'd be a spitting image.
Ugh...gotta go soon...I need to down a few glasses of water in anticipation.

Thanks for the *constructive* criticism on the photos, it's appreciated!
Smirnoff ...