Not much to say today. I had a good day at work, but now it's time to pay my respects to loved ones lost. 6 years ago today, my mom passed away.
She was a great woman...strong and proud. An original free spirit...Easy Rider style. I learned many things from her -- she sacrificed a lot for me. Her whole life basically...she had me when she was 16, but never looked back. We had our rough patches, but I remember the good times....reading Mad magazine together...watching Mel Brooks movies. ...but depression can can wear down even the toughest person. She always did want to be with her dad...
People throw around the word "depression" like it's just something you feel on a Monday morning. Or a "phase" you go through when you're 15. Perhaps they just want attention...who knows. To anyone who is seriously depressed, it's no joke. Friends and family can help. For fuck's sake, don't bother with's like putting a band-aid on a severed limb.
Bleh...I'm one morose bastard. STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Artois)!
She was a great woman...strong and proud. An original free spirit...Easy Rider style. I learned many things from her -- she sacrificed a lot for me. Her whole life basically...she had me when she was 16, but never looked back. We had our rough patches, but I remember the good times....reading Mad magazine together...watching Mel Brooks movies. ...but depression can can wear down even the toughest person. She always did want to be with her dad...
People throw around the word "depression" like it's just something you feel on a Monday morning. Or a "phase" you go through when you're 15. Perhaps they just want attention...who knows. To anyone who is seriously depressed, it's no joke. Friends and family can help. For fuck's sake, don't bother with's like putting a band-aid on a severed limb.
Bleh...I'm one morose bastard. STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Artois)!
Thanks for the movie recommendation!