Today is a good day. Nothing all that special happened...I'm just in a good mood. It's pretty nice outside, but I think I'm gonna stay in. Though I'd love to fire up the BBQ.
Saw a headline today that "they" have discovered a new genus of cricket. It's impressive when they find a new species, but a whole genus? Awesome! I'm so sick of reading about all the fucked up stuff going on in the world...glad to see something new and interesting.
I really need to get a digital journal would benefit by having pics in it. Plus if I had a real profile pic, perhaps people wouldn't think I was a creep. I thought I had a digi cam, but I guess not. Perhaps it's in storage, or maybe I gave it away. Oh well.
Damn cat's in heat again. I need to get her spayed. She's a 4 year old Bengal and a breeder quality one at that. At one point, I considered getting a male and letting them have kittens, but as time goes on, and she gets older, it becomes less realistic. Need to find a good vet that specializes in cats...don't really trust the $20 jobs at the animal shelter.
I still have yet to go buy the new Tool album. I haven't even heard any of the tracks from it. I'm so far behind on music....
Saw a headline today that "they" have discovered a new genus of cricket. It's impressive when they find a new species, but a whole genus? Awesome! I'm so sick of reading about all the fucked up stuff going on in the world...glad to see something new and interesting.
I really need to get a digital journal would benefit by having pics in it. Plus if I had a real profile pic, perhaps people wouldn't think I was a creep. I thought I had a digi cam, but I guess not. Perhaps it's in storage, or maybe I gave it away. Oh well.
Damn cat's in heat again. I need to get her spayed. She's a 4 year old Bengal and a breeder quality one at that. At one point, I considered getting a male and letting them have kittens, but as time goes on, and she gets older, it becomes less realistic. Need to find a good vet that specializes in cats...don't really trust the $20 jobs at the animal shelter.
I still have yet to go buy the new Tool album. I haven't even heard any of the tracks from it. I'm so far behind on music....
My cat should get spayed too but it's weird cos she hasn't had her heat in almost two years and she's 3 years old
I love the movie Amadeus too!