I can't think of anything more satisfying than that first cup of coffee in the morning. Actually, wait...I can think of at least one thing better.
I'm really sick of this Starbucks French Roast, but it's fairly economical. The Costco bags last a few weeks. Once I get my roaster from out of storage in MD, I'll get back to the fresh-roasted Sumatra and Mohka Java. mmmmmm. I can remember the way the beans smell the first morning after it rests...it's intoxicating.
I have a "meeting" about a job tonight. I know the guy pretty well, but I haven't seen him in about a year. We're meeting up at, of all places, an all-U-can-eat hot wing place. The place is run by a Thai family, but they make the most authentic (per my friend from Buffalo, NY) hot wings in the SF Bay area.
The temp company called me this morning, so I need to call them back soon...not before my second cup though. I'm not what one would call a morning person. Getting back to the 9 to 5 workday is gonna be tough. It's not that I'm lazy..I just keep odd hours...ever since I can remember I go to bed about 3-4am every night. Regardless of whether I gotta get up at 5am, 7am, or noon. Every once in awhile I "crash" and catch up.
I still can't believe this awesome weather. Yesterday it was up to the high 70's. I definitely need to pick up some charcoal for the weekend. Mmmmmm...squeelers. I like to grill up some onion and chopped bacon until they are just softened, then mix them in with the hamburger before making patties. It's pretty awesome. Yeah, it's just a bacon burger, but in a compact package...and it's called a squeeler! I dunno where it originated...I wanna say somewhere like Pittsburgh.
Well, I gotta make some phone calls and get off my ass.

I have a "meeting" about a job tonight. I know the guy pretty well, but I haven't seen him in about a year. We're meeting up at, of all places, an all-U-can-eat hot wing place. The place is run by a Thai family, but they make the most authentic (per my friend from Buffalo, NY) hot wings in the SF Bay area.
The temp company called me this morning, so I need to call them back soon...not before my second cup though. I'm not what one would call a morning person. Getting back to the 9 to 5 workday is gonna be tough. It's not that I'm lazy..I just keep odd hours...ever since I can remember I go to bed about 3-4am every night. Regardless of whether I gotta get up at 5am, 7am, or noon. Every once in awhile I "crash" and catch up.
I still can't believe this awesome weather. Yesterday it was up to the high 70's. I definitely need to pick up some charcoal for the weekend. Mmmmmm...squeelers. I like to grill up some onion and chopped bacon until they are just softened, then mix them in with the hamburger before making patties. It's pretty awesome. Yeah, it's just a bacon burger, but in a compact package...and it's called a squeeler! I dunno where it originated...I wanna say somewhere like Pittsburgh.
Well, I gotta make some phone calls and get off my ass.