Got more news on my potential job. It's bittersweet. On one hand, they maintain I'm "definitely in the running", but then they say a second round of interviews won't be for another 3 weeks. I really can't wait that long, so it's either find some temp job that will barely pay the bills until I know for sure, or just take some random consultancy gig with a company I don't think much of. Niether is ideal, but I have to eat!
I brought all this on myself....I took my year off..I decided to move back to the Bay Area...I decided to hold out for THE opportunity, and therefore missed out on a couple of others. All these things seemed like a good idea at the time. I'll eventually get back on track, but I'm cutting it damn close.
I brought all this on myself....I took my year off..I decided to move back to the Bay Area...I decided to hold out for THE opportunity, and therefore missed out on a couple of others. All these things seemed like a good idea at the time. I'll eventually get back on track, but I'm cutting it damn close.

Ooh those pesky jobs, slippery like eels they are!
Thanks for the comment, and it's good to know I'm not a geek!!