- on "The Lookback" in ass appreciation
- on KekiFace, Period! in ass appreciation
- on Old School games in Gaming
Haven't logged in for soooooo long. I'm going to enjoy exploring the new site and seeing if some of my old e-pals are still kicking around here. There are so many new sets and blogs, I don't even know where to begin. To do list: Update profile, update profile pic, write blog.......zzzzzzzzzzzzz...OMG nekkid people!
Haven't updated my blog in quite a long time. Not because I have nothing to say...I'm simply too scatterbrained these days. Feet on the ground, head in the clouds, mind in the gutter. I hope everyone here is doing well. I look forward to catching up on months and months of hotness. 

Oh man...what to say? what to say? I've been away far too long. In short, new home, new job, new friends, new games, new books, new TV...same old grouchy cat. Though things could always be better healthwise and incomewise, I feel content. 

Thank you for your lovely comment on my set <3
Facta non verba. Words to live by. Always.
Come by booth 743 and say hello!
To whomever gave me a 3 month subscription to SG, thanks so much! I've been doing great these past months...finally employed again. I've taken a step back in order to take a step forward. It wasn't the way I expected things to work out, but I am up for the challenge, I guess. Anyway, I have to head out to work, but thanks again and...
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Congratulations on your new work! and thank you! we have to catch up! I missed you a loooot!
hahahahhahahahha. Wow!
I bet all the boys are really good at maths huh
Yeah I've had a few very busy weekends and this is the first one in a while where I havent had an SG thing, so I'm making the most of it
I bet all the boys are really good at maths huh

Yeah I've had a few very busy weekends and this is the first one in a while where I havent had an SG thing, so I'm making the most of it

Well finally in my new place. It looks equal parts like the city dump and like I just robbed a Best Buy. Cat seems happy. My friend/landlord is giving me a sweet deal on rent since I'm laid off. I'm not one to ask for charity though, so I'm paying my way best as I can. Got a new project in the works and if...
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Stress doesnt help. At least if your calm you can think clearly.
Hope you feel better soon
Just thought I'd drop by and say hi.
Hope you feel better soon

Just thought I'd drop by and say hi.
So my landlady called yesterday to tell me she's bringing people into my apartment to show it off. So it's final now...I'm officially moved out. I've been in this place for two years and seeing it empty is somewhat depressing. It reminds me that we should appreciate everything when we have it, because we never know when the bubble will burst...ya know?
Once the gravity...
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Once the gravity...
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Yeah, that community has a hard time dealing with loud noises after certain hours, so that sucks. They're contracted to stop the music after a certain hour. SUCKS because I don't think anyone really wanted them to stop.
Well, after much deliberation, I have decided that it's time to move out of San Francisco. I love it here, but I can't afford to live here until I'm secured with a new salaried gig. Doing independent consulting makes ends meet, but I'm way too stressed out by the constant hustle. I have learned a lot about myself in these past few months. I'm not...
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I never understood so-called anarchists. I agree with the so-called experts that say that anarchy would very soon be reduced to some sort of power-struggle between tribes as the 'leaders' and 'followers' find protection for themselves, and with the strongest of the tribes creating some sort of a despotism. It's human nature...it's been going on for thousands of years. Do we presume to think we've...
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This week has been pretty boring. My foot is still injured, so I haven't left my place in a week. I did invite a buddy over and we drank wine, beer, and my prized Scotch. He's currently passed out on my guest bed next to a sack full of puke. I'm doing fine, considering that I outweigh him by 100 pounds. I made friends with...
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Well...no go on that job I wanted. They decided to 'take the role into a new direction.' Ah well, I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Still bummed out though.

Still bummed out though.
Boo, sorry about the job. It's so fucking tough out there. Keep trying.
Thanks, I am feeling a bit better.

Thanks, I am feeling a bit better.

Thanks so much for the compliment on my Member Review set!