Jury Duty. Actually I got a Jury Summons this past Tuesday. So, I went. I sat. I read. I slept. By the time the 3rd group of 30 people(out of 150 people) got called I was finishing up a pre-lunch catnap in the ever so comfortable chairs they provided. I was called as part of that third group, a mere 3 hours after I had arrived for the Jury Summons. So, the court employee takes the lot of us aside and proceeds to tell us that the case we (that particular random group of people) got called for had been settled by the Judge, Prosecutor, & Dependent's Lawyer. Yeah, so I got to leave early. All in all, it wasn't a bad morning.
I think that it. There is no moral to this story. Hmmm...catnap.
I think that it. There is no moral to this story. Hmmm...catnap.