Here are a couple more questions that Would be very interesting to know your answers to. And do not hesitate to forward these questions if you are interested in the opinion of others =)
1. Have you ever had dreams that you remember for the rest of your life?
2. Would you like to be friends with a man like You?
3. If the list of 7 wonders of the world had to be compiled again, what would You include in it?
4. What should everyone experience at least once in their life?
5. If You could become a character in a movie or book, what would it be?
6. do you have any "shameful pleasures" that, however, give You a sense of happiness and fullness of life?
7. What is the wisest thought You have ever heard?
8. If You could choose an era to live in, which one would you choose?
9. What superpower would you like to have?
10. if you were offered eternal youth and an inexhaustible supply of money on the condition That you would never have love and family, Would you agree?
11. you were offered to freeze Your body for 200 years for free, at any time, would you agree?
12. what would hell and heaven look like if you invented them?