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Thank you to the lovely @elune for the opportunity to answer this
1. I have three higher educations. (Military, economic, pedagogical)
2. I have been retired since 2004.
3. As a child, I was afraid to be photographed, I thought that I would die after that, so in all the photos up to two flax I cry
4. I spent a total of 6 years
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I was certainly surprised when @elune nominated me. You can say you took my virginity on SG, because no one has ever done this to me before. But @elune after what you did to me, you just have to marry me 🤣🤣🤣So let's get started:
1. What song have you been listening to on repeat lately?
Circle of Dust - Contagion Incredible energy thing!
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I saw out of the corner of my eye that there were insults to female models on the site... this is unfortunate. I'm sad and I don't understand why this is happening. There are no ugly girls, there are people who are unable to see the beauty of a person... withered and crusty people who can't or don't want to see the beauty around them...
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Here are a couple more questions that Would be very interesting to know your answers to. And do not hesitate to forward these questions if you are interested in the opinion of others =)
1. Have you ever had dreams that you remember for the rest of your life?
2. Would you like to be friends with a man like You?
3. If the list...
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Well, I will try and I start asking questions. Some may seem silly, some provocative, but I think it will be interesting.
1. What is your most vivid childhood memory?
2. Can you cook?
3. What do you value in men?
4. The craziest thing I'd like to try?
5. What's the hardest decision you've ever made?
6. What are you most afraid of?
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@inadequatedream вот так это выглядело вчера 🙃
Хэллоуин, хэллоуин... не мой это праздник. Я славянин, я язычник, и я горжусь этим! У славян есть свой праздник. Велесова ночь – славянский праздник, который встречаем холодной ночью с 31 октября на 1 ноября. Это особый праздник, необычный в современном понимании. Он не сопровождается весёлыми и шумными гуляниями, напротив, люди стараются соблюдать тишину и не выходить лишний раз из дома. Этот праздник – время перехода
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Наши прекрасные, наши единственные, наши любимые, наши разные, наши ослепительные, наши умопомрачительные, наши терпеливые, наши талантливые! Хочу вас поздравить с вашим праздником, с Международным женским днём! Будьте такими яркими, такими привлекательными, такими блистательными, такими желанными. Здоровья вам всем и вашим родным и близким! Счастья вам, любви и всего, что вы себе сами желаете! Ещё раз с праздником! Our beautiful, our only, our beloved, our different,
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