Cardiff was really good, talking to random people about music, my friend was his old self which he hasnt been for a long time (which I really miss) and I dont remember the 8 oclock train home in the morning.
I need a new hobby something that will cost virtually zero pounds, fill my time and get me out of the house. I have been cycling quite a bit but didnt go last weekend as I was wrecked plus had work to do for my apprenticeship. One problem is I cant really do it at night due to how dark it is when I get home from work. The good thing Swansea has some brilliant bike paths. I have thought about maybe learning to draw, learn to play the piano properly or very unlikely start designing my own t-shirts (I have wanted to do this for years but my limited amount of money and lack of talent wont allow me to do this). Or as I have been told I need to get myself a girlfriend, apparently that will fill my time. Make of that what you will, I would never go out with someone just to fill my time seems wrong plus I am not very good at meeting new people.
I have been thinking about my next tattoo, but again lack of money, a lack of ideas and where to have it are preventing me. I fancy either some more song lyrics or a sparrow.
Heard this song when the room was in complete silence and it was one of the most magical things I have heard I hope you enjoy.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.
I need a new hobby something that will cost virtually zero pounds, fill my time and get me out of the house. I have been cycling quite a bit but didnt go last weekend as I was wrecked plus had work to do for my apprenticeship. One problem is I cant really do it at night due to how dark it is when I get home from work. The good thing Swansea has some brilliant bike paths. I have thought about maybe learning to draw, learn to play the piano properly or very unlikely start designing my own t-shirts (I have wanted to do this for years but my limited amount of money and lack of talent wont allow me to do this). Or as I have been told I need to get myself a girlfriend, apparently that will fill my time. Make of that what you will, I would never go out with someone just to fill my time seems wrong plus I am not very good at meeting new people.
I have been thinking about my next tattoo, but again lack of money, a lack of ideas and where to have it are preventing me. I fancy either some more song lyrics or a sparrow.
Heard this song when the room was in complete silence and it was one of the most magical things I have heard I hope you enjoy.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.