With lungs full of dust, cut up hands and a broken back (not literally) I bring you this delight full piece of music from milburn
Not an official video (stating the obvious sorry), this video makes me go through loads of emotions as they were and still are my favourite band. I only managed to see them three times and never at their best unfortunately although the third time was quite special. Unfortunately they have split but three of the members have pursued other musical projects that are just as good imo.
I had a nice quite birthday in which I ended up working from nine till twenty to eight. I wasnt that bothered as I have never been one for celebrating my birthday so I wasnt that fussed. For my birthday I received a bottle of Gin (as mention in an earlier blog)
All of The Beatles albums re-mastered in a nicely presented box set. This had caused me a bit of a dilemma cause surly they should be listened to the way they were when they were first released. As I already had three of their albums (revolver, magical mystery tour and sgt.pepper's lonely hearts club band) I compared a few tracks and was at first a little sadden to find that they just seemed to be louder. But I then started to hear things that I had never heard before on the albums I already had so my disappointment so turned to happiness and I began to think that perhaps this is the best way to listen to The Beatles.
I also received money and loads of cards which I was very grateful for.
John Lennon looking cool as fuck
I have made an appointment for my tattoo but as I can only go on Saturdays (due to work) I was unable to get an appointment until the end of January. Still I have paid my deposit so I cant back out plus I am really looking forward to it.
A small piece of plasterboard full of plaster landed on top of my head today at work which gave me a bit of a shock and a bit of a headache, the good thing was that I wasnt my fault which I initially thought that it was. I have been working what seems like all the time lately even though I had last Saturday off I didnt feel like I had a day off, which makes the week drag not matter how much I focus getting jobs done at work. Saying that I just realised the past two days have flown by . Had an assessment on Wednesday which went really well and I can finally had in some work next time I see her. Which makes me feel like I am actually getting somewhere but I still have shed loads of work to do, plus a practical exam which I currently have no chance in passing.
Went to a pub quiz last night with my mates and we came 6 out of 7, if we had put down our initial thought for the answers we would have finished a lot higher up but we had a good laugh doing it and at least we didnt finish last.
After a dry 2 week period I was hoping that I would be going to town but that doesnt seem likely now as some of my mates want to do other things. So it looks as if I am going to be having a quite weekend. I think I might try and watch some films and do some reading.
I have babbled on for far too long and for someone who doesnt talk a lot that is a bit strange for me.
Have a good weekend Craig
Not an official video (stating the obvious sorry), this video makes me go through loads of emotions as they were and still are my favourite band. I only managed to see them three times and never at their best unfortunately although the third time was quite special. Unfortunately they have split but three of the members have pursued other musical projects that are just as good imo.
I had a nice quite birthday in which I ended up working from nine till twenty to eight. I wasnt that bothered as I have never been one for celebrating my birthday so I wasnt that fussed. For my birthday I received a bottle of Gin (as mention in an earlier blog)
All of The Beatles albums re-mastered in a nicely presented box set. This had caused me a bit of a dilemma cause surly they should be listened to the way they were when they were first released. As I already had three of their albums (revolver, magical mystery tour and sgt.pepper's lonely hearts club band) I compared a few tracks and was at first a little sadden to find that they just seemed to be louder. But I then started to hear things that I had never heard before on the albums I already had so my disappointment so turned to happiness and I began to think that perhaps this is the best way to listen to The Beatles.
I also received money and loads of cards which I was very grateful for.
John Lennon looking cool as fuck
I have made an appointment for my tattoo but as I can only go on Saturdays (due to work) I was unable to get an appointment until the end of January. Still I have paid my deposit so I cant back out plus I am really looking forward to it.
A small piece of plasterboard full of plaster landed on top of my head today at work which gave me a bit of a shock and a bit of a headache, the good thing was that I wasnt my fault which I initially thought that it was. I have been working what seems like all the time lately even though I had last Saturday off I didnt feel like I had a day off, which makes the week drag not matter how much I focus getting jobs done at work. Saying that I just realised the past two days have flown by . Had an assessment on Wednesday which went really well and I can finally had in some work next time I see her. Which makes me feel like I am actually getting somewhere but I still have shed loads of work to do, plus a practical exam which I currently have no chance in passing.
Went to a pub quiz last night with my mates and we came 6 out of 7, if we had put down our initial thought for the answers we would have finished a lot higher up but we had a good laugh doing it and at least we didnt finish last.
After a dry 2 week period I was hoping that I would be going to town but that doesnt seem likely now as some of my mates want to do other things. So it looks as if I am going to be having a quite weekend. I think I might try and watch some films and do some reading.
I have babbled on for far too long and for someone who doesnt talk a lot that is a bit strange for me.
Have a good weekend Craig