I made a curry tonight with the help of Mr.Olivers 'Ministry of food' book, I made the chicken tikka masala to be honest it wasn't great, the ginger wasn't cut up finely enough and it was really watery plenty of flavour though. Life goes on I'll drink to that.
ohh that sound delicious!
Cardiff was really good, talking to random people about music, my friend was his old self which he hasnt been for a long time (which I really miss) and I dont remember the 8 oclock train home in the morning.

I need a new hobby something that will cost virtually zero pounds, fill my time and get me out of the house. I have been...
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Heading to Cardiff tonight for (I hope) friends, a good time and alcohol. I shall listen to these little numbers (among others) on the train up and before I hit Cardiff High Street and hopefully Clwb Ifor Bach.

Personally its one of my favourite by them.

The best song ever written about the best thing ever.

An amazing live band.

The album this song is...
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Hope you have a great night tonight smile
thanks I saw biggrin finger crossed, but who knows it is my favourate though, never mind if not have another going up on the 15th he he he

Hope your're ok
they were taken in November, just takes a while to get to the front of the MR queue lol
ummm...yeah biggrin

I love the yes man, the film was a bit poor though. Yes my ex did have good taste in music
any pics?
Looks good smile but if you're not happy with it, then don't keep it, but I like it.

All the tattoo's I have are personal to me, and mean something, I just need some inspiration I guess
Well this year has started off with a massive kick in the balls, I found out today that my boss can no longer afford to pay me a wage. But I have been asked to continue to work (which i agreed to), as I am not qualified (I am an apprentice) I have no real other alternative to continue to work for no money. Also...
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and that's all there is...there isn't anymore...
that picture really freaks me out
Thank you so much for commented on my "Turbulences" set smile

I really don't understand why they did this video. I wish that cat would stick its claws in his legs.
Hot fuzz was cool, not seen sexy beast, step brothers and this is england, although I kept on seeing it advertised on film4
Last weekend was very enjoyable went to town for the first time in two months, got very drunk and spent a bit of time quite a bit of time by myself as some of my friends disappeared to another club and I couldnt find my other mate who was still there. When I eventually did find him we drank some more and danced to all...
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If you read my last blog, you would have seen that a quiet night down the pub got spoilt by a guy (My old headmasters son) threatening myself and my friends that if we did not leave then he would give us a kicking. When we where just minding our own business. This guy is a well know dickhead and has started fights with loads...
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Sounds like a good weekend, that's what I like to hear, hope you've sobered up and aren't hung over!
that bloke sounds like a tit, why do people behave like that, I'd be so ashamed!
Love the vid
Thank you, I hope so too