I'm pissed at the world rate now. lets take a look. you can go t omost stories at cnn.com and what do you see. US citizens taking advantage of the so called freedoms. It makes me sad and hurt on the inside. for the fact I'm willing to give me life for these people. I cried because just one person in my life doesn't care. I've never shown this person hate, distrust, or anything other then love and caring... I'm sick with hate because of these people... I hurt so bad, I ack inside it makes me feel: why should i care for anyone
i ask noone to comment at all just take this in. and really feel about what side your on... If you really look at it. if you have any problems with anyside even right or wrong if you show the soldiers. it shows, nothing good happens. really look at it. the soldiers get upset and don't care. so they can't focus on the job at hand, and that ultimaly kills young children and adults in the Military. think about that folks before you act..... Cause rate now I hate beening an AMERICAN, and can careless about the many how show disrespect about the soldiers.....
SGT. Christian A. Libecki United States Army Reserves... 401st Transportation Corps..... Battle Creek, Michigan...

SGT. Christian A. Libecki United States Army Reserves... 401st Transportation Corps..... Battle Creek, Michigan...
it was awesome seeing you again. we should all do something together. it would be fun