Well sorry guys. It's been hard to get on here. I just want to put a shout out to all my Detroit Peeps. I miss you al!!!! Iraq is about the same as last time I was out here. I'm in a litle different type of job area this time. Still driving truck just bigger one there called HET (Heavy Equipment Transport) or M1070. I'[m getting ready to reenlist soon for a different job in the Maintiance field for Helicopters, Cause my ulimate goal is to go Rotor Wing Avaitor. Well if anyone has sometime, and doesn't mind saying Hi. I well try and get back with you, or you can E-mail at BROKENsk8board@gmail.com I do answer that. Well Love you all

Hey dude, was on and thought I would say hi. Stay safe over there and good luck with your endeavor.
Hope you're still doing well over there.