I found a new love for dancing, not like lame ass repetative dancing at nightclubs but like Salsa and stuff is super fun, I wanna learn how to do it good I learned lots in cuba.
meh i don't even know if i should go out on halloween, i'm more looking forward to going to day of the dead in cuba on nov 1st and 2nd, oh ya and i bought james brown tickets today, mwhahahaha thats gonna be awesome
I just finished reading that boook Dharma Punx, its a really good read, I wish i could have gone to the meditate & destroy session in san fran anyway bck to school work
Dharma Punx
Realizing your a starving student... but, you could always make a beowulf cluster... use that for the rendering... slap linux onto it... and find software to export from your machine to the cluster.
go make nice with some students at SAIT... i'm sure someone there either has one... can make one... or know's where you can access some higher cpu power.
hey thanx for the comment about my art!!
NOT BEING A BITCH But NOBODY NEEDS to be a PROFESSIONAL to be an artist! and schools and education do not always reconise what good art is!! IE the woman who sold her painting of lady di to the sachi gallery!
but yes i have had formal british education in art for all the good it did me!
hope u are having a good day new dancing friend x