Yay i'm poor for a while, bought a new digital camera, a nikon d-70 haha now i'm all pro, oh yea AND I bought tickets too see the SCUMDOGS OF THE UNIVERSE............ WE ARE GWAR, WE PLAY GUITARS, WE WILL GO FAR, WE'LL EAT YOUR CAR.... GWAR GWAR GWAR GWAR, haha yea i'm stoked, everyone in calgary should get tickets so then can get covered in fake blood, urine, cum, and breast milk, and possibly get eaten by the worm and go back stage! haha super cheesy shockrock at mac hall how can you go wrrong? really now get a ticket, it'll sell out
I wanna come. I wanna be coverd in piss

yes i'll call you soon. I wish i didn't have to work so much i would have gone to that show... I want karismic to be my new boyfriend.