Fuckkkkkkkkk it is soooo cold outside I don't even want to leave the house. I practiced the stand up bass I'm rentin from long n mcquaid all day, fuk i forgot what it feels like to get blisters from playin an instrument, the strings are so thick compared to my bass guitar, ohh well I'm pickin it up pretty fast. psycho-punk-rock-a-billy here i come. Besides that I played playstation all day with tape on my fingers. Now i'm gonna watch the rest of Sopranos Season 4 dvd I got order pizza and be a burn victim.
I wish someone who lived near me was into rockabilly. I want to start a band, but all the good musicians just move away....
Hate cold, cold sucks and it's trying to eat my car and I think it killed the neighbour's pet Charlie Manson...Okay, okay, I lie. He isn't really a pet, he just lives there I guess...