AH! I got laid! Yay! NSA but he emailed me later that day and told me he couldn't wait to get back together. HAHAHAHA yes! So now he's asking if I want to experiment with other things. When I *Innocently* asked what he was talking about he asked if I was interested in three somes or exploring more with one on one. Um, Yes please! I want mFm or FmF... I don't know what he wants I guess I'll be nice and let himm pick but if he's up for it then we're doing both. He's an awesome guy, I don't want big things from him but hell if it goes somewhere else then awesome but right now, I'll take a good fuck.
Oh and my eczema is acting up like woah. i keep trying to convince myself that flaying my arm is a bad idea.
Oh and my eczema is acting up like woah. i keep trying to convince myself that flaying my arm is a bad idea.

Don't make your arm worse by scratching it raw.
You should get a steroidal cream to help with the eczema
You could always have a 4 way if he can't decide.