BLAAAAAAAAAH I'm serious so tired of everything right now. I want a new job, I want to go on vacation, I need to do something with myself that isn't work, drive to falls rd to do somethig with kylie, drive home, got to work eat food that isn't good for me go to dance class, feel amazing for an hour and then lose the after glow of excercise and then feel all blah again. save me from myself, tell me something aside from going to the SG burlesque show on the 24th that will cheer me up. Oh and no sugesting sex, it's not on the menu currently because we're both too tired and my mom's being a duche bag aout him coming over since she OFFICIALLY figured out that we are having sex together since she read a post i hadnt gotten a chance to finalize and closed it when i offered her the use of my computer - forgeting that i hadn't saved the post and closed the site.

Wow the 24th is going to be a good night for you. You get to see the SG show and meet avalonchase. Wish I could be there.
almost time to meet..should i wear a nametag